scripts to generate ROOT files for KS study.
add Generation-Extraction scripts (GenExtract folder)
installing tools with : . (WARNING no / between the . and
When you have downloaded the config (python) files from site,
you save them into step1,.py, and so on.
for each file you need to include the part 1 [1] between the line "from configuration ..." and the line
"process = cms.Process(...".
in most of the files you need to replace :
process.options.numberOfThreads = 1
process.options.numberOfThreads = 16 (or 8 if you are on polui machine).
By the end you need to include :
process.dqmSaver.workflow = '/Global/CMSSW_X_Y_Z/RECO_' + '%0004d'%max_number + '_' + '%003d'%ind
into the last step file.
Into most of the files, it is recommended to include :
fileName = cms.untracked.string('file:step3_inDQM_' + '%0004d'%max_number + '_' + '%003d'%ind + '.root'),
into the process.DQMoutput part.
Be careful, sometimes it can be difficult on the POLUI computers.
you need to load 2 files more :
the 2 files for the current validation [2] and put them into the DATA folder.
launch the extraction with : python
####WARNING : still need of cmsenv!
####Some point to modify into the file :
the folder "named folderName" where are located the generated ROOT files, and the folder "named folder" where the created files
(into the func_CreateKS() function) are given into the file.
Also is given the path for the histos into the ROOT files.
So there is no need to modify the file.
[1] : part 1
if len(sys.argv) > 1:
print "step 1 - arg. 0 :", sys.argv[0]
print "step 1 - arg. 1 :", sys.argv[1]
print "step 1 - arg. 2 :", sys.argv[2]
print "step 1 - arg. 3 :", sys.argv[3]
print "step 1 - arg. 4 :", sys.argv[4]
ind = int(sys.argv[2])
path = str(sys.argv[3])
max_number = int(sys.argv[4])
print "step 1 - rien"
ind = 0
path = ''
max_number = 10 # number of events
[2] : usually into the form : DQM_V0001_R000000001__RelValZEE_14__CMSSW_11_3_0_pre6-113X_mcRunxxxxxxxx-v1__DQMIO.root