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Clustr as a Service

Here's my implementation of Cluster as a Service, leveraging vCluster as the primary tool for provisioning Virtual Clusters.

I explain the architecture and the implementation in detail in this blog post.

How to use this solution for yourself

  1. Provision a Kubernetes cluster as Host Cluster
  2. Fork this repository, We call this repository as CAAS_REPO and remove any directory in the clusters directory.
# Remove any directory in the clusters directory
find clusters -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -type d -exec rm -rf {} \; 
  1. Install following tools on Cluster:
  2. Users that need to provision Virtual Clusters need to have following tools installed:
  3. Configure an Ingress Gateway for Istio. We need a INGRESS_URL for this.
    • Create a Certificate for *.INGRESS_URL. I recommend to use cert-manager for this.
    • Create a Gateway for *.INGRESS_URL and point it to the istio-ingressgateway service.
    kind: Gateway
    name: internal
    namespace: istio-system
        istio: ingressgateway
    - hosts:
        - '*.[INGRESS_URL]' # replace [INGRESS_URL] with your ingress url
        name: http
        number: 80
        protocol: HTTP
    - hosts:
        - '*'
        name: https
        number: 443
        protocol: HTTPS
        credentialName: istio-ingress-cert # Use the certificate created in the previous step
        mode: SIMPLE
  4. Create an ArgoCD Application to deploy manifests to Host Cluster and Virtual Clusters.
kind: Application
  name: apps
  namespace: argocd
    namespace: argocd
    server: https://kubernetes.default.svc
  project: default
    path: argo-apps
    repoURL: [CAAS_REPO] # replace [CAAS_REPO] with your forked repository
    targetRevision: HEAD
      include: '{*.yaml,*.yml}'
      prune: true
      selfHeal: true
      allowEmpty: true
  1. Replace the INGRESS_URL and CAAS_REPO in the justfile:
INGRESS := env_var_or_default('CLUSTER_INGRESS',"[INGRESS_URL]") # replace [INGRESS_URL] with your ingress url
REPO_URL := env_var_or_default('GITOPS_REPO',"[CAAS_REPO]") # replace [CAAS_REPO] with your forked repository

Now you are ready to provision Virtual Clusters. You can use the just targets to provision Virtual Clusters.

How to specify tools to be installed on Virtual Cluster

This step is optional for users. By default, all tools in the features.default file will be installed on Virtual Cluster. But users can specify which tools they want to install on Virtual Cluster by running following target:

just configure

This command prompts users to select which tools they'd like to install on the Virtual Cluster. Their choices will be saved in the features file. When provisioning the Virtual Cluster, the features file will be read, and the specified tools will be installed accordingly.

How to provision a Virtual Cluster

First we request for a Virtual Cluster by running following target:

just apply

Running this command will generate all the necessary manifests. Manifests will be committed to a branch, after which a pull request needs to be created to merge them.

By default, the cluster name is set as Git Username``, but we can adjust it by setting the CLUSTER_NAME` environment variable:

CLUSTER_NAME=demo just apply

Next, let's connect to the Virtual Cluster and get kubeconfig:

just kubeconfig

or following command in case of use different name for Virtual Cluster:

CLUSTER_NAME=demo just kubeconfig

then we need to set kubeconfig path:

export KUBECONFIG=./kubeconfig-[CLUSTER_NAME].yaml

There are some example applications in the example directory that can be deployed to the Virtual Cluster.

Finally we can destroy Virtual Cluster by running following command. The manifests are removed from the repository and committed to a branch. Initiating a pull request and merging it to the main branch will trigger the destruction of Virtual Clusters.

just destroy

or following command in case of use different name for Virtual Cluster:

CLUSTER_NAME=demo just destroy

How to add more tools as option to be installed on Virtual Cluster

We have the option to include additional tools for users to install on the Virtual Cluster. For instance, I've already included Knative as an example.

There are two steps to add more tools:

  1. Create a Skaffold file for the tool in the skaffolds direcotry with name of desired tool. For example, I created knative.yaml for Knative.

  2. Add the tool to the features list in the justfile in the configure target:


We can set a tool as the default in case a user doesn't specify any. This involves adding the tool to the features.default file:



Cluster as a Service




