1.3.0 - Push notifications, Upgrade Messages, Attachments
This release provides three major new features to help you connect with your customers.
Push Notification support
When you reply to a customer through the Apptentive web console, we can send a push notification to your app so the customer is sure to see your reply. We currently support Urban Airship. If you are using another push provider and would like to take advantage of this, shoot us an email at [email protected]
Upgrade Messages
Are you unable to tell your customers what's new in each release of your app because the majority opted to have your app auto-update? No problem! Just create an Upgrade Message using the Apptentive web console. Target specific builds or versions of your app, create a rich message, and let your customers know what you've spent your time building.
You can now send hidden attachment messages to the Apptentive server. Use this feature to send logs or other files to help you debug customer issues.