Tcpreplay version 4.1.1 Beta 2
This is Tcpreplay suite version 4.1.1 Beta 2
Fixes include:
- Tap device support for Linux and FreeBSD from Murat Demirten (#207)
- Handle loopback for linux cooked capture files from corentin-p1(Linux SLL) (#204)
- Recognise tbd stubs from Dominyk Tiller (#202)
- Big-endian tcpliveplay work-around from Brian Micek (#194)
- Build OS X using existing XCode SDK (#185)
- Update to autogen version 5.18.6 and libopts 46.0.16 (#182)
- Duration feature from dexteradeus (#175)
- Stop sending and exit when limit is reached (#174)
Download the release by clicking the tcpreplay*
links below.