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Attaching units is easy to do, easy to read:
> apple7 <- u(7, "apples") # attaches 'apples' to the number 7
> apple3 <- u(3:5, "apples") # attaches 'apples' to the vector c(3, 4, 5)
Arithmetical operations work just like they should:
> apple3 + apple7
# unitted numeric (apples)
# [1] 10 11 12
and tell you when the units don't make sense.
> orange5 <- u(5, "oranges")
> apple7 + orange5
# Error in require_e2_units(e1) :
# Units of e2 are invalid in 'e1 + e2'. Expected 'apples', found 'oranges'
Complex data types can have units, too.
> (apple_eating <- u(
+ data.frame(Sally=1:3, Juan=4, Ahmad=3.2, row.names=paste("Day",1:3)),
+ rep("apples",3)))
# Sally Juan Ahmad
# U apples apples apples
# Day 1 1 4 3.2
# Day 2 2 4 3.2
# Day 3 3 4 3.2
Now your units conversions will be explicit, both to you and to readers of your code.
> apple_eating * u(100000/1,"cal apples^-1") * u(1/1000,"kcal cal^-1")
# Sally Juan Ahmad
# U kcal kcal kcal
# Day 1 100 400 320
# Day 2 200 400 320
# Day 3 300 400 320