Docker swarm (and kubernetes) base VM provisioner
Clone the repo, then:
For the Infrastructure Provisioner:
cd infra
For the Docker Swarm Provisioner, in the main directory (cd ..
You'll have ruby installed.
This task will provision / configure a Docker Swarm cluster for you (Debian v9, Lightsail LB)
Will print a help usage, with command hits like this one:
rake STACK=stack-name AWS_PROFILE_NAME=aws-credentials-name KEY_PAIR_NAME=your-username CMD=provision
Which will use few defaults and provision 2x Lightsail VMs, with some standard network rules and a Lightsail Load Balancer in front for serving your requests.
rake IP_A=123.456.789.0 IP_A=234.567.89.0
Will set up the VMs, install docker so you will be able to run your docker stack deploy
command and have a live docker swarm env, ready for deployment!
Happy Deployments,
The Applied Blockchain Dev Team.