This is a tcpwrappers module intended to configure simple allow/deny rules.
This is provided as-is, YMMV. If you're in Vagrant, make sure to include at least an allow for the "sshd" service.
Just include the module:
include tcpwrappers
Include the module, and create "allow all" or "deny all" defaults: (Note: these rules will not be removed if you define other allow or deny rules.)
class { 'tcpwrappers':
default_deny_all => true
Allow a service from an address/range (if not using default_allow_all):
tcpwrappers::allow { 'local_sshd':
service => 'sshd',
address => '',
Deny a service from an address/range (if not using default_allow_all):
tcpwrappers::deny { 'local_ftp':
service => 'ftpd',
address => '',
If you send email, please include "sharumpe-tcpwrappers" in the subject line.