Examples of usage
are good examples in behat
Feature: Product basket In order to buy products As a customer I need to be able to put interesting products into a basket
- VAT is 20%
- Delivery for basket under £10 is £3
- Delivery for basket over £10 is £2
Scenario: Buying a single product under £10
Given there is a "Sith Lord Lightsaber", which costs £5
When I add the "Sith Lord Lightsaber" to the basket
Then I should have 1 product in the basket
And the overall basket price should be £9
Scenario: Buying a single product over £10
Given there is a "Sith Lord Lightsaber", which costs £15
When I add the "Sith Lord Lightsaber" to the basket
Then I should have 1 product in the basket
And the overall basket price should be £20
Scenario: Buying two products over £10
Given there is a "Sith Lord Lightsaber", which costs £10
And there is a "Jedi Lightsaber", which costs £5
When I add the "Sith Lord Lightsaber" to the basket
And I add the "Jedi Lightsaber" to the basket
Then I should have 2 products in the basket
And the overall basket price should be £20