This module is one of several which provide GraphQL support for Apache Sling.
This module allows for running GraphQL queries in Sling, using dynamically built GraphQL schemas and OSGi services for data fetchers (aka "resolvers") which provide the data.
To take advantage of Sling's flexibility, it allows for running GraphQL queries in three different modes, using client or server-side queries and optionally being bound to the current Sling Resource.
Server-side queries are implemented as a Sling Script Engine.
The current version uses the graphql-java library but that's only used internally. The corresponding OSGi bundles must be active in your Sling instance but there's no need to use their APIs directly.
The GraphQL sample website provides usage examples and demonstrates using GraphQL queries (and Handlebars templates) on both the server and client sides. It's getting a bit old and as of June 2021 doesn't demonstrate the latest features.
As usual, the truth is in the tests. If something's missing from this page you can probably find the details in this module's extensive test suite.
This module enables the following GraphQL "styles"
- The traditional GraphQL endpoint style, where the clients supply requests to a single URL. It is easy to define multiple such endpoints with different settings, which can be useful to provide different "views" of your content.
- A Resource-based GraphQL endpoints style where every Sling Resource can be a GraphQL endpoint (using specific request selectors and extensions) where queries are executed in the context of that Resource. This is an experimental idea at this point but it's built into the design so doesn't require more efforts to support. That style supports both server-side "prepared GraphQL queries" and the more traditional client-supplied queries.
The GraphQL requests hit a Sling resource in all cases, there's no need for path-mounted servlets which are not desirable.
See also the caching section later in this file.
Here's an excerpt from an OSGi feature model file which uses the GraphQL Servlet provided by this module
to serve .json
requests for resources which have the samples/graphql
resource type:
"" : {
"sling.servlet.resourceTypes" : "samples/graphql",
"sling.servlet.extensions": "json",
"sling.servlet.methods": [ "GET", "POST" ]
"" : {
"aliases" : [ "json:rawjson" ]
The rawjson
selector is configured to provide Sling's default JSON output.
See the GraphQLServlet
class for more info.
Schemas are provided by SchemaProvider
public interface SchemaProvider {
/** Get a GraphQL Schema definition for the given resource and optional selectors
* @param r The Resource to which the schema applies
* @param selectors Optional set of Request Selectors that can influence the schema selection
* @return a GraphQL schema that can be annotated to define the data fetchers to use, see
* this module's documentation. Can return null if a schema cannot be provided, in which
* case a different provider should be used.
* @throws if the schema cannot be retrieved
String getSchema(@NotNull Resource r, @Nullable String [] selectors) throws IOException;
The default provider makes an internal Sling request with for the current Resource with a .GQLschema
This allows the Sling script/servlet resolution mechanism and its script engines to be used to generate schemas dynamically, taking request selectors into account.
Unless you have specific needs not covered by this mechanism, there's no need to implement your
own SchemaProvider
Since version 0.0.10 of this module, a number of GraphQL schema directives are built-in to support specific
features. As of that version, the @fetcher
, @resolver
and @connection
directives described below
can be used directly, without having to declare them explicitly in the schema with the directive
statement that was required before.
Declaring these directives explicitly is still supported for backwards compatibility with existing schemas, but not needed anymore.
The following built-in @fetcher
directive is defined by this module:
# This directive maps fields to our Sling data fetchers
directive @fetcher(
name : String!,
options : String = "",
source : String = ""
It allows for selecting a specific SlingDataFetcher
service to return the appropriate data, as in the
examples below.
Fileds which do not have such a directive will be retrieved using the default data fetcher.
Here are a few examples, the test code has more of them:
type Query {
withTestingSelector : TestData @fetcher(name:"test/pipe")
type TestData {
farenheit: Int @fetcher(name:"test/pipe" options:"farenheit")
The names of those SlingDataFetcher
services are in the form
The sling/
namespace is reserved for SlingDataFetcher
which have Java package names that start with
The <options>
and <source>
arguments of the directive can be used by the
services to influence their behavior.
The following built-in @resolver
directive is defined by this module:
# This directive maps the corresponding type resolver to a given Union
directive @resolver(
name: String!,
options: String = "",
source: String = ""
A Union
or Interface
type can provide a @resolver
directive, to select a specific SlingTypeResolver
service to return the appropriate GraphQL object type.
Here's a simple example, the test code has more:
union TestUnion @resolver(name : "test/resolver", source : "TestUnion") = Type_1 | Type_2 | Type_3 | Type_4
The names of those SlingTypeResolver
services are in the form
The sling/
namespace is reserved for SlingTypeResolver
which have Java package names that start with
The <options>
and <source>
arguments of the directive can be used by the
services to influence their behavior.
This module implements support for the Relay Cursor Connections
specification, via the built-in @connection
directive, coupled with a @fetcher
directive. The built-in @connection
directive has the following definition:
directive @connection(
for: String!
To allow schemas to be ehanced with pagination support, like in this example:
type Query {
paginatedHumans (after : String, limit : Int) : HumanConnection @connection(for: "Human") @fetcher(name:"humans/connection")
type Human {
id: ID!
name: String!
address: String
Using this directive as in the above example adds the following types to the schema to provide paginated output that follows the Relay spec:
type PageInfo {
startCursor : String
endCursor : String
hasPreviousPage : Boolean
hasNextPage : Boolean
type HumanEdge {
cursor: String
node: Human
type HumanConnection {
edges : [HumanEdge]
pageInfo : PageInfo
The GenericConnection class,
together with the
provide support for paginated results. With this utility class, you just need to supply an Iterator
on your data, a
function to generate a string that represents the cursor for a given object, and optional parameters to control the
page start and length.
The QueryDataFetcherComponent provides a usage example:
public Object get(SlingDataFetcherEnvironment env) throws Exception {
// fake test data simulating a query
final List<Resource> data = new ArrayList<>();
// Define how to build a unique cursor that points to one of our data objects
final Function<Resource, String> cursorStringProvider = r -> r.getPath();
// return a GenericConnection that the library will introspect and serialize
return new GenericConnection.Builder<>(data.iterator(), cursorStringProvider)
The above data fetcher code produces the following output, with the GenericConnection
helper taking
care of the pagination logic and of generating the required data. This follows the
Relay Connections specification, which some GraphQL clients
should support out of the box.
"data": {
"oneSchemaQuery": {
"pageInfo": {
"startCursor": "L2NvbnRlbnQvZ3JhcGhxbC9vbmU=",
"endCursor": "L2NvbnRlbnQ=",
"hasPreviousPage": false,
"hasNextPage": false
"edges": [
"cursor": "L2NvbnRlbnQvZ3JhcGhxbC9vbmU=",
"node": {
"path": "/content/graphql/one",
"resourceType": "graphql/test/one"
"cursor": "L2NvbnRlbnQvZ3JhcGhxbA==",
"node": {
"path": "/content/graphql",
"resourceType": "graphql/test/root"
"cursor": "L2NvbnRlbnQ=",
"node": {
"path": "/content",
"resourceType": "sling:OrderedFolder"
Usage of this GenericConnection
helper is optional, although recommended for ease of use and consistency. As long
as the SlingDataFetcher
provides a result that implements the
the output will be according to the Relay spec.
The package provides helpers for lazy loading field values.
Using this pattern, for example:
public class ExpensiveObject {
private final LazyLoadingField<String> lazyName;
ExpensiveObject(String name) {
lazyName = new LazyLoadingField<>(() -> {
// Not really expensive but that's the idea
return name.toUpperCase();
public String getExpensiveName() {
return lazyName.get();
The expensiveName
is only computed if its get method is called. This avoids executing expensive computations
for fields that are not used in the GraphQL result set.
A similar helper is provided for Maps with lazy loaded values.
No matter how you decide to create your Sling GraphQL endpoints, you have the option to allow GraphQL clients to use persisted queries.
After preparing a query with a POST request, it can be executed with a GET request that can be cached by HTTP caches or a CDN.
This is required as POST queries are usually not cached, and if using GET with the query as a parameter there's a concrete risk of the parameter becoming too large for HTTP services and intermediates.
- An instance of the GraphQL servlet has to be configured; by default, the servlet will enable the persisted queries API on the
request suffix; the value is configurable, via thepersistedQueries.suffix
parameter of the factory configuration. - A client prepares a persisted query in advance by
ing the query text to the endpoint where the GraphQL servlet is bound, plus the/persisted
suffix. - The servlet will respond with a
201 Created
status; the response'sLocation
header will then instruct the client where it can then execute the persisted query, via aGET
request. - The responses for a
requests to a persisted query will contain appropriate HTTP Cache headers, allowing front-end HTTP caches (e.g. CDNs) to cache the JSON responses. - There's no guarantee on how long a persisted query is stored. A client that gets a
on a persisted query must be prepared to rePOST
the query, in order to store the prepared query again.
The hash that's part of the persisted
URL is computed on the POSTed GraphQL query by the
active GraphQLCacheProvider
service. By default, this is the SimpleGraphQLCacheProvider
which computes it as follows:
MessageDigest digest = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA-256");
byte[] hash = digest.digest(query.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8));
and encodes it in hex to build the persisted query's path.
This means that, if desired, an optimistic client can compute the hash itself and try a GET to
the persisted/<hash>
URL without doing a POST first. If the query already exists in the cache
this saves the POST request, and if not the client gets a 404 status and has to POST the query
- Storing a query
curl -v 'http://localhost:8080/graphql.json/persisted' \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --data-binary '{"query":"{\n navigation {\n search\n sections {\n path\n name\n }\n }\n article(withText: \"virtual\") {\n path\n title\n seeAlso {\n path\n title\n tags\n }\n }\n}\n","variables":null}' \ --compressed > POST /graphql.json/persisted HTTP/1.1 > Host: localhost:8080 > User-Agent: curl/7.64.1 > Accept: */* > Accept-Encoding: deflate, gzip > Content-Type: application/json > Content-Length: 236 > * upload completely sent off: 236 out of 236 bytes < HTTP/1.1 201 Created < Date: Mon, 31 Aug 2020 16:33:48 GMT < X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff < X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN < Location: http://localhost:8080/graphql.json/persisted/e1ce2e205e1dfb3969627c6f417860cadab696e0e87b1c44de1438848661b62f.json < Content-Length: 0
- Running a persisted query
curl -v http://localhost:8080/graphql.json/persisted/e1ce2e205e1dfb3969627c6f417860cadab696e0e87b1c44de1438848661b62f.json
> GET /graphql.json/persisted/e1ce2e205e1dfb3969627c6f417860cadab696e0e87b1c44de1438848661b62f.json HTTP/1.1
> Host: localhost:8080
> User-Agent: curl/7.64.1
> Accept: */*
< HTTP/1.1 200 OK
< Date: Mon, 31 Aug 2020 16:35:18 GMT
< X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff
< X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN
< Cache-Control: max-age=60
< Content-Type: application/json;charset=utf-8
< Transfer-Encoding: chunked
"data": {
"navigation": {
"search": "/content/search",
"sections": [
"path": "/content/articles/travel",
"name": "Travel"
"path": "/content/articles/music",
"name": "Music"
"article": [
"path": "/content/articles/travel/precious-kunze-on-the-bandwidth-of-virtual-nobis-id-aka-usb",
"title": "Travel - Precious Kunze on the bandwidth of virtual 'nobis id' (aka USB)",
"seeAlso": [
"path": "/content/articles/travel/solon-davis-on-the-card-of-primary-reiciendis-omnis-aka-sql",
"title": "Travel - Solon Davis on the card of primary 'reiciendis omnis' (aka SQL)",
"tags": [
Described in SLING-10540: prepared GraphQL queries hidden behind
URL selectors, so that an HTTP GET request to /content/mypage.A.full.json
executes the GraphQL query previously
stored under the A.full
An initial spec, without code so far, is available at sling-whiteboard:sling-org-apache-sling-graphql-schema for a schema aggregator that allows OSGi bundles to contribute partial GraphQL schemas to an overall schema.
This will allow bundles to contribute specific sets of types to a schema, along with the code that implements their retrieval and other operations.
The Object Query service runs queries against the Sling Resource tree and returns POJOs in a way that's optimized for the GraphQL Core to consume.
Probably something along those lines:
new Query(
select Folder
from /tmp, /conf
where Folder.title contains 'sling'
and Folder.lastModified < 1w
which returns an Iterator
optimized for this module's pagination features.
The objects that this Iterator supplies can be built from Sling Models, using the lazy loading helpers provided
by this module. This would probably need an extension to Sling Models where the appropriate Model can be found
for a name like Folder
in the above example. The Model class might be annotated in a way that allows it to
supply XPath query elements for expressions like Folder.title
The Query might have additional options such as withXpathGenerator
, withObjectMapper
for edge cases
where the built-in logic is not sufficient.