Releases: apache/dubbo-spi-extensions
What's Changed
- Compatible with Apache Dubbo 3.3.x
- remove useless junit by @wcy666103 in #396
- upgrade doc version by @songxiaosheng in #544
- 3.3.1 (#566) by @songxiaosheng in #567
- optimize: the handling logic of PathAndInvokerMapper by @funky-eyes in #473
- optimize: rest protocol connection default keepalive by @funky-eyes in #472
- support apache seata 2.1.0 by @funky-eyes in #509
- fix:npe by @qyi71 in #400
- fix lose seata xid when happens injvm invoke by @laywin in #461
- Fix fury bug by @heliang666s in #476
Dependency Upgrade
- Bump org.xolstice.maven.plugins:protobuf-maven-plugin from 0.5.1 to 0.6.1 by @dependabot in #361
- Bump com.github.codemonstur:embedded-redis from 0.10.0 to 0.13.0 by @dependabot in #362
- Bump org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-shade-plugin from 3.2.4 to 3.5.3 by @dependabot in #356
- Bump de.ruedigermoeller:fst from 2.48-jdk-6 to 2.57 by @dependabot in #351
- Bump com.esotericsoftware:kryo from 5.4.0 to 5.6.0 by @dependabot in #358
- Bump commons-net:commons-net from 3.9.0 to 3.10.0 by @dependabot in #354
- Bump org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-surefire-plugin from 2.7.1 to 2.22.2 by @dependabot in #349
- Bump dubbo.version from 3.2.11 to 3.2.12 by @dependabot in #350
- Bump org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-dependency-plugin from 3.1.2 to 3.6.1 by @dependabot in #348
- Bump byte-buddy.version from 1.14.5 to 1.14.16 by @dependabot in #375
- Bump eureka.version from 1.9.12 to 1.10.18 by @dependabot in #374
- Bump spring.version from 5.2.9.RELEASE to 5.3.36 by @dependabot in #372
- Bump fabric8_kubernetes_version from 6.12.0 to 6.12.1 by @dependabot in #373
- Bump org.furyio:fury-core from 0.2.0 to 0.4.1 by @dependabot in #371
- Bump msgpack_version from 0.8.22 to 0.9.8 by @dependabot in #370
- Bump junit_jupiter_version from 5.9.3 to 5.10.2 by @dependabot in #368
- Bump org.mockito:mockito-all from 1.9.5 to 1.10.19 by @dependabot in #365
- Bump org.apache.httpcomponents:httpclient from 4.5.13 to 4.5.14 by @dependabot in #360
- Bump com.googlecode.xmemcached:xmemcached from 1.3.6 to 1.4.3 by @dependabot in #363
- Bump jackson_version from 2.15.3 to 2.17.1 by @dependabot in #369
- Bump org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-source-plugin from 3.2.1 to 3.3.1 by @dependabot in #366
- Bump org.slf4j:slf4j-api from 1.7.25 to 1.7.36 by @dependabot in #357
- Bump grpc.version from 1.63.0 to 1.64.0 by @dependabot in #355
- upgrade maven version by @wcy666103 in #379
- Bump com.orbitz.consul:consul by @wcy666103 in #378
- Bump org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-release-plugin from 3.0.0-M1 to 3.0.1 by @dependabot in #394
- Bump org.apache.rat:apache-rat-plugin from 0.13 to 0.16.1 by @dependabot in #393
- Bump org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-compiler-plugin from 3.8.1 to 3.13.0 by @dependabot in #392
- Bump from 2.0 to 2.1.1 by @dependabot in #389
- Bump org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-javadoc-plugin from 3.2.0 to 3.7.0 by @dependabot in #388
- Bump io.seata:seata-core from 1.5.2 to 1.8.0 by @dependabot in #385
- Bump org.junit.platform:junit-platform-commons from 1.9.3 to 1.10.2 by @dependabot in #387
- Bump org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-jxr-plugin from 2.2 to 2.5 by @dependabot in #382
- Bump org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-enforcer-plugin from 3.0.0-M3 to 3.5.0 by @dependabot in #390
- Bump org.jacoco:jacoco-maven-plugin from 0.8.6 to 0.8.12 by @dependabot in #381
- Bump ch.qos.logback:logback-classic from 1.3.12 to 1.5.6 by @dependabot in #413
- Bump fabric8_kubernetes_version from 6.12.1 to 6.13.0 by @dependabot in #412
- Bump org.assertj:assertj-core from 3.13.2 to 3.26.0 by @dependabot in #411
- Bump kr.motd.maven:os-maven-plugin from 1.6.1 to 1.7.1 by @dependabot in #410
- Bump org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-shade-plugin from 3.5.3 to 3.6.0 by @dependabot in #409
- Bump dubbo.version from 3.2.12 to 3.2.13 by @dependabot in #408
- Bump io.netty:netty-all from 4.1.66.Final to 4.1.110.Final by @dependabot in #407
- Bump cglib:cglib-nodep from 2.2 to 2.2.2 by @dependabot in #406
- Bump from 2.10.1 to 2.11.0 by @dependabot in #405
- Bump com.caucho:hessian from 4.0.51 to 4.0.66 by @dependabot in #404
- Bump commons-net:commons-net from 3.10.0 to 3.11.0 by @dependabot in #403
- Bump org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-checkstyle-plugin from 3.0.0 to 3.4.0 by @dependabot in #401
- Bump byte-buddy.version from 1.14.16 to 1.14.17 by @dependabot in #402
- Bump org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-jar-plugin from 3.2.0 to 3.4.1 by @dependabot in #352
- Bump spring.version from 5.3.36 to 5.3.37 by @dependabot in #428
- Bump io.github.kawamuray.wasmtime:wasmtime-java from 0.18.0 to 0.19.0 by @dependabot in #429
- Bump com.ecwid.consul:consul-api from 1.4.2 to 1.4.5 by @dependabot in #425
- Bump org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-release-plugin from 3.0.1 to 3.1.0 by @dependabot in #424
- Bump commons-net:commons-net from 3.11.0 to 3.11.1 by @dependabot in #426
- Bump junit:junit from 4.13.1 to 4.13.2 by @dependabot in #422
- Bump io.netty:netty-all from 4.1.110.Final to 4.1.111.Final by @dependabot in #420
- Bump org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-dependency-plugin from 3.6.1 to 3.7.0 by @dependabot in #419
- Bump dubbo.version from 3.2.13 to 3.2.14 by @wcy666103 in #434
- Bump org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-clean-plugin from 3.3.2 to 3.4.0 by @dependabot in #433
- Bump org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-dependency-plugin from 3.7.0 to 3.7.1 by @dependabot in #432
- Bump org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-jar-plugin from 3.4.1 to 3.4.2 by @dependabot in #431
- Bump junit_jupiter_version from 5.10.2 to 5.10.3 by @dependabot in #437
- Bump grpc.version from 1.64.0 to 1.65.0 by @dependabot in #435
- Bump org.junit.platform:junit-platform-commons from 1.10.2 to 1.10.3 by @dependabot in #436
- Bump jackson_version from 2.17.1 to 2.17.2 by @dependabot in #442
- Bump byte-buddy.version from 1.14.17 to 1.14.18 by @dependabot in #450
- Bump grpc.version from 1.65.0 to 1.65.1 by @dependabot in #449
- Bump org....
What's Changed
- Compatible with Apache Dubbo 3.3.x
- [dubbo-wasm-rpc-api ] init dubbo-wasm-rpc-api module by @loongs-zhang in 279
- [dubbo-wasm-cluster-api ] init dubbo-wasm-cluster-api module by @loongs-zhang in 283
- [dubbo-wasm] support Protocol/Exporter/Invoker SPI by @loongs-zhang in 284
- [dubbo-wasm-registry-api] init dubbo-wasm-registry-api module by @loongs-zhang in 285
- [dubbo-wasm-common-api ] part5 init dubbo-wasm-common-api module by @loongs-zhang in 286
- [dubbo-proxy-bytebuddy] Import bytebuddy implementation from Dubbo 3.2 by @finefuture in 294
- [dubbo-wasm-remoting-api] init dubbo-wasm-remoting-api module by @loongs-zhang in 295
- [dubbo-cluster-router-mesh]Move Mesh Rule Router to SPI Extensions #13957 by @heliang666s in 307
- [dubbo-cluster-router-mesh] Move Rest Protocol to SPI Extensions #13958 by @wcy666103 in 306
- [dubbo-serialization-native-hessian] rename hession to hessian by @wcy666103 in 377
- [dubbo-serialization-fury] remove useless maven.compiler 17 by @wcy666103 in 395
- [[dubbo-serialization-jdk] move jdk-serialize and add test cases by @wcy666103 in 417
- fix: dubbo-registry-dns resource leak by @aofall in 308
- fix test lib by @wcy666103 in 310
- fix: redis connection do not close and return to connection pool by @aofall in 311
- fix: try to fix etcd unit test failed sometimes by @aofall in 312
- fix module dependency errors error by @wcy666103 in 342
add auddo-wasm/ by @wcy666103 in 298
add configcenter README by @wcy666103 in 299
📝 readme update by @songxiaosheng in 304
build: CI support unit test on Windows platform && Add Dependabot config by @aofall in 309
Dependency Upgrade
- Update avro vertsion 1.8.2 -> 1.11.3 by @aofall in #252
- Update commons-lang3 3.8.1 -> 3.14.0 by @dependabot in 330
- Update testcontainers 1.15.2 -> 1.19.8 by @dependabot in 337
- Update spring-cloud-dependencies Hoxton.SR8 -> Hoxton.SR10 by @dependabot in 335
- Update protostuff_version 1.5.9 -> 1.8.0 by @dependabot in 332
- Update org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-assembly-plugin 3.1.0 -> 3.7.1 by @dependabot in 331
- Update protobuf-java_version 3.16.3 -> 3.25.3 by @dependabot in 329
- Update sofa_registry_version 5.2.0 -> 5.4.3 by @dependabot in 328
- Update rocketmq.version 4.9.2 -> 4.9.8 by @dependabot in 326
- Update spring-boot.version 2.4.1 -> 2.7.18 by @dependabot in 327
- Update 2.8.9 -> 2.10.1 by @dependabot in 324
- Update fabric8_kubernetes_version 6.9.2 -> 6.12.0 by @dependabot in 321
- Update org.apache.httpcomponents:fluent-hc 4.5.5 -> 4.5.14 by @dependabot in 320
- Update io.netty.incubator:netty-incubator-codec-quic 0.0.14.Final -> 0.0.20.Final by @dependabot in 319
- Update org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-clean-plugin 3.1.0 -> 3.3.2 by @dependabot in 323
- Update org.codehaus.mojo:license-maven-plugin 2.0.0 -> 2.4.0 by @dependabot in 317
- Update redis.clients:jedis 3.7.0 -> 3.10.0 by @dependabot in 313
- Update org.apache.dubbo:dubbo 2.7.18 -> 2.7.23 by @dependabot in 315
- Update grpc.version 1.53.0 -> 1.63.0 by @dependabot in 316
- Upgrade dubbo 3.3 by @wcy666103 in 345
New Contributors
- @loongs-zhang made their first contribution in 279
- @xiaozhigang made their first contribution in 297
- @heliang666s made their first contribution in 307
Full Changelog: v3.2.0...v3.3.0
What's Changed
- Compatible with Apache Dubbo [3.1.x](
[dubbo-cluster-specify-address-dubbo2]support v2 ip spec by @wxbty in [#179](#179)
[dubbo-cluster-polaris-dubbo2] Add polaris extensions support by @andrewshan in [#184](#184)
[dubbo-filter-polaris-dubbo2] feat: separate the circuitbreaker and ratelimit filters, to make it more decompose to developers by @andrewshan in #187
[dubbo-filter-seata] Set seata core as optional dependency by @AlbumenJ in #188
[dubbo-gateway-extensions] add Gateway mode extension by @wxbty in [#205](#205)
[polaris ] support polaris circuitbreaker ability by @chuntaojun in [#212](#212)
[Cross thread] tag corss thread by annotation in dubbo-cross-thread-extensions by @carlvine500 in [#215](#215)
[tag subnets] add tag by subnets for near-rpc by @carlvine500 in [#216](#216)
[Serialization] add fury serialization framework to dubbo by @chaokunyang in [#226](#226)
[dubbo-serialization-jackson] Add jackson serialization extension by @aofall in [#231](#231)
Compatible with Apache Dubbo 3.1.0 branch by @aofall in #334
- Bugfix of retries and missing field by @wxbty in [#182](#182)
- Fix revert error description by @wxbty in [#209](#209)
- Fix move the recourse file to the corrent path in dubbo-serialization-jackson by @aofall in [#233](#233)
- Explicitly call out hessian-rpc is unstafe by default by @raboof in [#196](#196)
- Auto gen code tree doc by @songxiaosheng in [#224](#224)
- 📝 visit code tree to gen doc by @songxiaosheng in [#227](#227)
Dependency Upgrade
- Update kryo 5.3.0 -> 5.4.0 by @wxbty in [#190](](
- Update snakeyaml 1.32 -> 2.0 [#208](]
- Update grpc-protobuf 1.31.1 -> 1.53.0 [#214](#214)
- Update org.springframework:spring-framework-bom 4.3.29.RELEASE -> 4.3.30.RELEASE [#217](#217) [#218](#218) [#219](#219) [#220](#220) [#221](#221) [#222](#222) [#223](#223)
- Update jetcd vertsion 0.5.7 -> 0.7.7 by @aofall in [#398](#398)
- Update Dubbo vertsion 3.12 -> 3.1.11 by @aofall in [#398](#398)
- Update jetcd vertsion 0.5.7 -> 0.7.7 by @aofall in [#416](#416)
New Contributors
- @andrewshan made their first contribution in #184
- @raboof made their first contribution in #196
- @chuntaojun made their first contribution in #212
- @carlvine500 made their first contribution in #215
- @chaokunyang made their first contribution in #226
Full Changelog: v1.0.3...v3.1.0
What's Changed
- Compatible with Apache Dubbo 3.0.x
[dubbo-cluster-specify-address-dubbo2]support v2 ip spec by @wxbty in #179
[dubbo-cluster-polaris-dubbo2] Add polaris extensions support by @andrewshan in #184
[dubbo-filter-polaris-dubbo2] feat: separate the circuitbreaker and ratelimit filters, to make it more decompose to developers by @andrewshan in #187
[dubbo-filter-seata] Set seata core as optional dependency by @AlbumenJ in #188
[dubbo-gateway-extensions] add Gateway mode extension by @wxbty in #205]
[polaris ] support polaris circuitbreaker ability by @chuntaojun in #212
[Cross thread] tag corss thread by annotation in dubbo-cross-thread-extensions by @carlvine500 in #215
[tag subnets] add tag by subnets for near-rpc by @carlvine500 in #216
[Serialization] add fury serialization framework to dubbo by @chaokunyang in #226
[dubbo-serialization-jackson] Add jackson serialization extension by @aofall in [#231
- Bugfix of retries and missing field by @wxbty in #182
- Fix revert error description by @wxbty in #209
- Fix move the recourse file to the corrent path in dubbo-serialization-jackson by @aofall in #233
- Explicitly call out hessian-rpc is unstafe by default by @raboof in #196
- Auto gen code tree doc by @songxiaosheng in #224
- 📝 visit code tree to gen doc by @songxiaosheng in #227
Dependency Upgrade
- Update kryo 5.3.0 -> 5.4.0 by @wxbty in [#190](#190)
- Update snakeyaml 1.32 -> 2.0 #208](#208)
- Update grpc-protobuf 1.31.1 -> 1.53.0 [#214](#214)
- Update org.springframework:spring-framework-bom 4.3.29.RELEASE -> 4.3.30.RELEASE [#217](#217) [#218](#218) [#219](#219) [#220](#220) [#221](#221) [#222](#222) [#223](#223)
- Update jetcd vertsion 0.5.7 -> 0.7.7 by @aofall in [#398](#398)
New Contributors
- @andrewshan made their first contribution in [#184](#184)
- @raboof made their first contribution in [#196](#196)
- @chuntaojun made their first contribution in [#212](#212)
- @carlvine500 made their first contribution in [#215](#215)
- @chaokunyang made their first contribution in [#226](#226)
Full Changelog: v1.0.3...v3.0.0
What's Changed
- Compatible with Apache Dubbo 3.2.x
- [dubbo-cluster-specify-address-dubbo2] Support dynamic ip access for non-local clusters in dubbo-cluster-specify-address-dubbo2 by @wxbty in #179
- [polaris extension] Add the polaris extensions to make dubbo2.7.x access polaris by @andrewshan in #184
- [dubbo-filter-polaris-dubbo2] separate the circuitbreaker and ratelimit filters, to make it more decompose to developers by @andrewshan in #187
- [dubbo-gateway-extensions] add Gateway mode extension by @wxbty in #205
- [polaris ] support polaris circuitbreaker ability by @chuntaojun in #212
- [Cross thread] tag corss thread by annotation in dubbo-cross-thread-extensions by @carlvine500 in #215
- [tag subnets] add tag by subnets for near-rpc by @carlvine500 in #216
- [Serialization] add fury serialization framework to dubbo by @chaokunyang in #226
- [dubbo-serialization-jackson] Add jackson serialization extension by @aofall in #231
- [dubbo-xds] Import Kubernetes and xDS implementation from Dubbo 3.2 by @AlbumenJ in #251
- Fix revert error description by @wxbty in #209
- Fix move the recourse file to the corrent path in dubbo-serialization-jackson by @aofall in #233
- Fix ServiceConfigURL of dubbo 3.0 serialization problem: public parameters such as application,version are not be transferredadd And ServiceConfigURLDelegate for protostuff by @zrlw in #67
- Fix(#207): Dubbo Redis register support select databases by @aofall in #247
- Fix[#267] protobuf type lose field when deepCopy inJvmInvoker … by @vio-lin in #268
- Explicitly call out hessian-rpc is unstafe by default by @raboof in #196
- Auto gen code tree doc by @songxiaosheng in #224
- 📝 Upgrade Readme by @songxiaosheng in #235
Support Dubbo 3.2
- configcenter consul support dubbo-3.2 by @robin977 in #239
- broadcast support dubbo-3.2 by @songxiaosheng in #238
- dubbo-cluster-specify-address suuport dubbo-3.2 by @finefuture in #241
- dubbo-register-redis and dubbo-register-consul support dubbo-3.2 by @aofall in #244
- eakewma support dubbo-3.2 by @songxiaosheng in #242
- configcenter etcd support dubbo-3.2 by @robin977 in #243
- registry center etcd support dubbo-3.2 by @robin977 in #248
- fastjson、gson、jackson support dubbo-3.2 by @xixingya in #249
- quic support dubbo-3.2 by @songxiaosheng in #261
- serialization module support dubbo-3.2 by @xixingya in #259
- dubbo-common-extensions dubbo-cross-thread-extensions dubbo-filter-seata support dubbo-3.2 by @finefuture in #263
- rpc rocketmq support dubbo-3.2 by @songxiaosheng in #262
- webservice support dubbo-3.2 by @songxiaosheng in #269
- rpc rmi support dubbo-3.2 by @songxiaosheng in #276
Dependency Upgrade
- Update kryo 5.3.0 -> 5.4.0 #190
- Update snakeyaml 1.32 -> 2.0 #208
- Update grpc-protobuf 1.31.1 -> 1.53.0 #214
- Update ch.qos.logback:logback-classic 1.2.11 -> 1.3.12 #245
- Update org.springframework:spring-framework-bom 4.3.29.RELEASE -> 4.3.30.RELEASE #219
- Update org.springframework:spring-framework-bom 4.3.29.RELEASE -> 4.3.30.RELEASE #222
- Update org.springframework:spring-framework-bom 4.3.29.RELEASE -> 4.3.30.RELEASE #223
- Update org.springframework:spring-framework-bom 4.3.29.RELEASE -> 4.3.30.RELEASE #221
- Update org.springframework:spring-framework-bom 4.3.29.RELEASE -> 4.3.30.RELEASE #220
- Update org.springframework:spring-framework-bom 4.3.29.RELEASE -> 4.3.30.RELEASE #218
- Update org.springframework:spring-framework-bom 4.3.29.RELEASE -> 4.3.30.RELEASE #217
- Update ch.qos.logback:logback-classic 1.2.3 -> 1.3.12 #246
New Contributors
- @andrewshan made their first contribution in #184
- @raboof made their first contribution in #196
- @chuntaojun made their first contribution in #212
- @carlvine500 made their first contribution in #215
- @chaokunyang made their first contribution in #226
- @aofall made their first contribution in #231
- @robin977 made their first contribution in #239
- @zrlw made their first contribution in #67
- @finefuture made their first contribution in #241
- @xixingya made their first contribution in #249
- @vio-lin made their first contribution in #268
Full Changelog: v1.0.3...v3.2.0
Dubbo SPI Extensions 1.0.4
- Remove the transitive dependency of
. - Support address creation in
- Fix re-router failed in
- Introduce polaris extensions for Dubbo 2
- dubbo-cluster-extensions
- dubbo-cluster-polaris-dubbo2
- dubbo-cluster-specify-address-common
- dubbo-cluster-specify-address-dubbo2
- dubbo-cluster-specify-address-dubbo3
- dubbo-filter-extensions
- dubbo-filter-seata
- dubbo-filter-polaris-dubbo2
- dubbo-filter-polaris-circuitbreaker-dubbo2
- dubbo-filter-polaris-ratelimit-dubbo2
- dubbo-registry-extensions
- dubbo-registry-polaris
Dubbo SPI Extensions 1.0.3
- The change of most modules is to remove the transitive dependency of
. dubbo-serialization-protobuf
was refactored to support object attachment ( forDubbo 3.x
).- Add
, support apache/rocketmq as rpc protocol.
- dubbo-cluster-extensions
- dubbo-cluster-broadcast-1
- dubbo-cluster-loadbalance-peakewma
- dubbo-cluster-specify-address-dubbo3
- dubbo-cluster-specify-address-dubbo2
- dubbo-filter-extensions
- dubbo-filter-seata
- dubbo-configcenter-extensions
- dubbo-configcenter-consul
- dubbo-configcenter-etcd
- dubbo-metadata-report-extensions
- dubbo-metadata-report-consul
- dubbo-remoting-extensions
- dubbo-remoting-etcd3
- dubbo-metadata-report-etcd
- dubbo-remoting-quic
- dubbo-remoting-grizzly
- dubbo-remoting-mina
- dubbo-remoting-p2p
- dubbo-registry-extensions
- dubbo-registry-dns
- dubbo-registry-consul
- dubbo-registry-etcd3
- dubbo-remoting-redis
- dubbo-registry-redis
- dubbo-registry-sofa
- dubbo-registry-nameservice
- dubbo-rpc-extensions
- dubbo-rpc-native-thrift
- dubbo-rpc-http
- dubbo-rpc-webservice
- dubbo-rpc-rmi
- dubbo-rpc-hessian
- dubbo-rpc-memcached
- dubbo-rpc-redis
- dubbo-rpc-rocketmq
- dubbo-serialization-extensions
- dubbo-serialization-native-hession
- dubbo-serialization-protostuff
- dubbo-serialization-protobuf
- dubbo-serialization-kryo
- dubbo-serialization-gson
- dubbo-serialization-fst
- dubbo-serialization-fastjson
- dubbo-serialization-avro
- dubbo-serialization-msgpack
Dubbo SPI Extensions 1.0.2
This release includes the following modules:
- dubbo-configcenter-extensions
- dubbo-configcenter-consul
- dubbo-configcenter-etcd
- dubbo-filter-extensions
- dubbo-filter-seata
- dubbo-metadata-report-extensions
- dubbo-metadata-report-consul
- dubbo-metadata-report-etcd
- dubbo-registry-extensions
- dubbo-registry-consul
- dubbo-registry-etcd3
- dubbo-registry-redis
- dubbo-registry-sofa
- dubbo-remoting-extensions
- dubbo-remoting-etcd3
- dubbo-remoting-grizzly
- dubbo-remoting-mina
- dubbo-remoting-p2p
- dubbo-remoting-redis
- dubbo-rpc-extensions
- dubbo-rpc-hessian
- dubbo-rpc-memcached
- dubbo-rpc-redis
- dubbo-serialization-extensions
- dubbo-serialization-msgpack
- dubbo-serialization-native-hession
Dubbo SPI Extensions 1.0.1
This release includes the following modules:
- dubbo-api-docs:1.0.0
- dubbo-cluster-extensions
- dubbo-cluster-broadcast-1:1.0.0
- dubbo-cluster-loadbalance-peakewma:.1.0.0
- dubbo-cluster-specify-address-dubbo2:1.0.0
- dubbo-cluster-specify-address-dubbo3:1.0.0
- dubbo-registry-extensions
- dubbo-registry-dns:1.0.0
- dubbo-registry-kubernetes:1.0.0
- dubbo-registry-xds:1.0.0
- dubbo-remoting-extensions
- dubbo-remoting-quic:1.0.0
- dubbo-rpc-extensions
- dubbo-rpc-native-thrift:1.0.0
- dubbo-rpc-http:1.0.0
- dubbo-rpc-webservice:1.0.0
- dubbo-rpc-rmi:1.0.0
- dubbo-serialization-extensions
- dubbo-serialization-protostuff:1.0.0
- dubbo-serialization-protobuf:1.0.0
- dubbo-serialization-kryo:1.0.0
- dubbo-serialization-gson:1.0.0
- dubbo-serialization-fst:1.0.0
- dubbo-serialization-fastjson:1.0.0
- dubbo-serialization-avro:1.0.0
dubbo-spi-extensions 1.0.0
This release affects the following module: