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Calculate the length of the shortest substring that includes all unique characters in the original string

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Algorithm Challenge: Fewest Coins

Given a string of characters, where each character represents a coin, find the length of the shortest substring that includes all of the distinct characters in the full string.

Example 1:

coins1 = 'aba'
  • Expect fewestCoins(coins1) to equal 2
  • Substrings containing all unique coins: ab and ba
  • Shortest length: 2

Example 2:

coins2 = 'aaabbbcccaabbb'
  • Expect fewestCoins(coins2) to equal 4
  • Substrings containing all unique coins:
'abbbc' => 5
'bccca' => 5
'caab' = > 4
  • Shortest length: 4

Using this repository

git clone this repository and then run bundle install (requires Bundler) to install minitest and pry. To check the tests are running correctly, run the following:

  • ruby fewest_coins_test.rb
  • ruby functions_only_fewest_coins_test.rb

Modify tests or files as desired. To dig into the code, insert binding.pry to stop the file execution of ruby fewest_coins.rb or ruby functions_only_fewest_coins.rb.

Technology Used


This repository has 2 primary solutions: One as a class and one with standalone functions. The class was created as a way to instantiate and test helper functions. The functions_only_fewest_coins.rb file allows for running the function fewestCoins(coins) and its helper functions without instatiating a Coins object.

Start with the make_substring function: Given an array of coins coins_array and it's unique coins array unique_coins, it returns an array that includes all unique coins but no more in build_array. Looping through the coins_array it adds a coin to the build_array if not all unique coins have been added yet. It then removes the unique coin from the unique_coins array to keep track of which unique coins have been added. If the first coin on the build_array is the same as the coin just added to the end, it deletes the first coin. When all unique coins have been added to the build_array the iteration through coins_array stops. The make_substring function returns either the build_array if all unique coins have been added or nil if there are still coins left in unique_coins.

This make_substring function is then used in the make_all_subarrays function to find all possible substrings and their lengths. Within the while loop, all build_arrays are made for the coins_array and stored as joined strings with their lengths in the build_arrays hash. A tricky bit here is that instead of passing an array into make_substring(coins_array, all_coins.uniq) a separate array with the .uniq function is called in order to prevent make_substring from altering the unique collection of coins.

The resulting hash from make_all_subarrays is then evaluated in def fewestCoins(coins) to find the minimum value in the hash and return it. This is the length of the smallest substring in the given string coins that includes all unique characters found in coins.


Calculate the length of the shortest substring that includes all unique characters in the original string






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