- You can find out report and presentation slides in the "report" folder
- You can find our python code in the "models" folder. All the files are in ipynb format.
- You can find our code in both "drawingboard" and "backend" folders. 3a. The "drawingboard" folder contains our frontend code. It refers to our "serving phase" in our report 3b. Similarly, the "backend" folder handles our database and APIs. Please refer to "selling phase" in our report
Due the the large file sizes of both datasets and videos, we have proided external links for you to download:
- Our datasets can be found at: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1hbyfjL54UkBhrZDU99kmcEEiQAybUEWI/view?usp=sharing
- Our final presentation can be found here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UNu_1wT_up0