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An Vo edited this page Feb 14, 2014 · 12 revisions

World JS: Evolution Simulator

This page is intended as a quick start guide for anyone who wants to know about the game. Technical documents for developers are provided on different pages.


World JS is an attempt to show you a brief history of humankind via a simulation game in 4 parts:

  • 1st part (completed): simulate the world from the first appearance of our ancestors to the cognitive revolution (about 250,000 years ago to 12,000 years ago).
  • 2nd part: simulate the agricultural revolution.
  • 3rd part: simulate the scientific revolution (from 500 years ago to present).
  • 4th part: simulate the future.

Human Behaviors

These behaviors are represented human from the early history and may be changed during the game process.


  • Move around the world.
  • Have the risk of death in every single step they make.
  • The risk will increase when they get older.
  • Women have lower risk of death than men.


  • When become adult, have chance to find single women to get married.
  • The chance will decrease when they get older.
  • The chance will also decrease if the woman is older than the man.
  • No chance to marry a less-than-15-years-old girl.
  • After married, follow their wives.
  • Start to find another women if their wives died.


  • After married, have chance to bear a child every year.
  • The chance will decrease when they get older.


  • List of Knowledge.
  • Everyone has an IQ value which is counted for total IQ of the world.
  • Children inherit IQ from their parent:
  • Child IQ = Average(Father IQ, Mother IQ) + Magic number.
  • A magic number is used to guarantee the chance for a smarter generation.
  • Every year, almost all IQ of the world will be randomly distributed to all trending knowledge.
  • When a knowledge collects enough its required IQ, it starts to affect the world.


Food Spoilage

  • The amount of food will decrease significantly every year.


  • If the world can not produce enough food, death rate will increase and childbirth rate will decrease significantly.

Population limit

  • If the population is greater than its limit, death rate will increase because humans haven't found efficient ways to cooperate in larger groups yet.