Build and run:
docker build -t update-notifier:latest .
docker run --name update-notifier --env telegram_token=<yout bot token> -d update-notifier
Or use one of our images from docker hub:
docker run --name update-notifier --env telegram_token=<yout bot token> -d abathargh/telegram-update-notifier:latest
git clone
cd update_notifier
virtualenv venv
pip install -r requirements.txt
export telegram_token=<your bot token>
You can find a systemd service template in the config/systemd directory, that can be used as a base to build a service file to use this app as a systemd service. You will have to set up a file with the environment variable for the token.
sudo cp config/systemd/telegram-updater.service /etc/systemd/system/
sudo systemctl enable telegram-updater
sudo systemctl start telegram-updater
- /help -> show this message
- /add [name] [url] [interval]-> start monitoring for the passed url identified by name, interval default is 15 mins
- /remove [name] -> remove an url under monitoring, identified by its name
- /list -> list all the urls under monitoring
- /timer [name] -> return the current interval for the url identified by name
- /set_timer [name] [interval] -> reset the monitor for the url with the new interval
- /end -> stop monitoring every url