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Anthony Awuley edited this page May 1, 2016 · 2 revisions

Welcome ALPS and FSALPS ECJ!

The system provides an ALPS extension to the open so ECJ System

Copyright 2015 by Anthony Awuley Brock University Computer Science Department Licensed under the Academic Free License version 3.0 See the file "LICENSE" for more information

The ALPS[Hornby,2006] strategy is a diversity–enhancing algorithm that works with algorithms with elements of randomness in them . It uses an age–layered population and restricts breeding and competition between individuals. ALPS ability to maintain diversity in its population is largely due to regular introduction of individuals from different fitness basins and the novel control of competition between individuals.

The implementation is based on the version 22 of the open source Evolutionary Computation system in Java developed by Sean Luke [ECJ,V22]

[Hornby,2006] Gregory Hornby. Alps: the age-layered population structure for reducing the problem of premature convergence. In Mike Cattolico, editor, GECCO, pages 815–822. ACM, 2006.

[ECJ,V22] S. Luke, G. Balan S. Paus Z. Skolicki E. Popovici J. Harrison J. Bassett R. Hubley, L. Panait and A. Chhircop. Ecj: A java-based evolutionary computation research system, version 22, 06 2000-2015. [Online; Accessed: 2 April 2014].

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