1.) Rename .env.example to .env and update the MAIL configuration.
2.) Rename google-service-account.json.example to google-service-account.json and update the google credentials to create google sheet.
Instructions to get the Config file => https://stackoverflow.com/questions/46287267/how-can-i-get-the-file-service-account-json-for-google-translate-api
3.) Update constants.php as per requirements.
4.) Open APP_URL/generate-report.
APP_URL => server url where application is running.
Eg. https://abc.com/generate-report
5.) CRON Setup
0 0 * * 0 wget https://abc.com/generate-report
Replace abc.com with the ip address or server URL
This will RUN the CRON every week on Sunday at 12:00 AM