- Pune
- 5h30m ahead - https://www.ayanworks.com/
- in/ankitapatidar
- @blueSky_AnkitA
SD-JWT Rust Reference Implementation
Full stack Web App with Next.js 14 Supabase & Resend.
Open source, Open standards based Decentralised Identity & Verifiable Credentials Platform
SSI Wallet App & SDK, built on the foundation of Hyperledger Aries Mobile Agent React Native (Bifold) project
Controller App for Aries Framework JavaScript REST Extension
Modern UI for CREDEBL Platform built using Astro, Flowbite & Tailwind.
Cardano AnonCreds protocol and reference implementation
Create sqlalchemy python model files by defining tables and columns in a YAML file
Convert avro files to parquet, csv and json format
Bearsql allows you to query pandas dataframe with sql syntax. It uses duckdb as the internal processing engine
Aries React-NatIve Mobile Agent
Go implementation of the Ethereum protocol