Here are the steps:
1. Launch an Ec2 Instance with below specifications:
* AMI - Amazon Linux 2 AMI (HVM)
* Instance Type - t2.micro
* Security group - allow inbound traffic on 8080 port number from
* Storage - 8 GiB
* Instance Profile - Ec2SSMRole
2. Create an Application and Deployment group in AWS CodeDeploy.
* Compute Platform - EC2/On-premises
* Service Role - CodeDeploy Role with permission to deploy an application in EC2.
* Deployment Type - In-place
* Environment Configuration - Amazon EC2 instances. Provide same tags which are attached to Ec2.
* CodeDeploy Agent Configuration - Now and schedule updates
* Uncheck the "Enable load balancing".
3. Setup AWS CodePipeline with 2 Stages (Source=GitHub 2, Deploy=AWS CodeDeploy).
* Service Role - CodePipeline Role with CodeDeploy permissions.
* Source Provider - GitHub (Version 2)
NOTE: Make sure you have already established the GitHub connection with your AWS Account.
* Select the repository and branch "master".
* Skip the build stage.
* Deploy Provider: AWS CodeDeploy.