A simple template using the Twitter Bootstrap project and Stripe credit card processor.
Everything you need is done, simply put your company information, MySQL database and
Stripe Keys in the db_inc.php file. You are now ready to start taking credit card
payments directly on your web site. This is not meant to be a full featured cc processing
project. Hopefully you can implement this on your site quickly to receive payments for
services directly.
[email protected]
1.) Install the Stripe PHP API from https://stripe.com/docs/libraries
Extract one of these into the /lib/ folder https://code.stripe.com/stripe-php-latest.tar.gz https://code.stripe.com/stripe-php-latest.zip
2.) Edit the index.php file to redirect properly to the SSL secured page. SSL is required on your server to use Stripe. See Stripe page https://stripe.com/help/ssl
3.) Setup your MySQL Database.
Copy the MySQL Database Template from the db_inc.php file and paste it into your phpMyAdmin SQL tab in your database. (Future: Create an install.php file to check db and do this.)
4.) Edit the /include/db_inc.php file
This include file contains all of the settings for your Stripe account, MySQL database, and general company information. There are also booleans and fixed public ip addresses to enable testing and debugging modes. The fixed ip addresses enable you to be in a permanent test mode at your development location even after you are live.
http://www.stripe.com - credit card processing company http://twitter.github.com/bootstrap - The awesome Twitter Bootstrap project http://www.mysql.com - mysql http://www.php.net - php http://jquery.com - jQuery http://www.cdnjs.com - high speed cdn for jQuery file http://github.com - Github source code repository http://git-scm.com - git version control system http://ie6update.com - Display an appropriate error to IE6 users https://gist.github.com/1885001 - IE6 patch for Bootstrap http://subtlepatterns.com - background image Stack overflow - Saved me from crazy error type="submit" id="submit" to type="submit" id="submit-button" http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2718799/unable-to-submit-an-html-form-after-intercepting-the-submit-with-javascript http://jscompress.com - minify javascript http://www.willpeavy.com/minifier - html minifier