Code to create inputs to icemc using data from the ANITA flights.
Prerequisites are ROOT and the anitaBuildTool.
To prepare the installation type: $ cmake .
To compile: $ make
Before running the code check the path to your anita flight data.
To create icemc GPS file run: Usage 1: ./createIceMCgps [run] Usage 2: ./createIceMCgps [firstRun] [lastRun]
To create icemc Surf file run: Usage 1: ./createIceMCSurfFromGps [run] Usage 2: ./createIceMCSurfFromGps [firstRun] [lastRun]
To create icemc Turf file run: Usage 1: ./createIceMCTurfFromGps [run] Usage 2: ./createIceMCTurfFromGps [firstRun] [lastRun]