This project is oriented to explain the software architectural pattern: Model View Controller and consist in a simple calculator that do the four basic arithmetic operations:
- Addition (Finding the Sum; '+')
- Subtraction (Finding the difference; '-')
- Multiplication (Finding the product; '×')
- Division (Finding the quotient; '÷')
To build/compile with bob tool the next files are needed:
iproj.json : At project root level, it contains project level metadata. This file is necesary to use bob as build/compile tool. The file contains some attribuites to build/compile the project. See bob help for more info: : At each level of the project (all directories) create a file for defining the targets. This file is requered on each directory that contain compilable source code.
.ibmi.json : At the directories you want to override build variables to target a different object library, or use a different EBCDIC CCSID for the compile.
.gitignore : At project root level to tell git a list of files that should not be traked. This file it's not requered to use bob.