Curated list of resources for various topics, articles, tutorials, etc I've found useful.
- How to win friends and influence people - Dale Carnegie #tools #persdev #book #social
- 48 laws of power #tools #book
- An introduction to decision theory - Martin Peterson #economics #persdev #book Book link
- Foundations of statistical natural language processing - Manning, Schütze #nlp #book
- Einführung in der Computerlinguistik #nlp #book Book link
- How to email your professor #student #email
- Modest advice for new graduate students #student #profdev
- Career advice for recent Computer Science graduates #student #profdev #datascience
- 10 tips for research and a PhD #student #research #phd
- Missing CS semester: tutorial #code
- The cold start problem: how to build your machine learning portfolio #code
- 16 front-end projects (with designs) to help improve your coding skills #code #frontend
- The Absolute Minimum Every Software Developer Absolutely, Positively Must Know About Unicode and Character Sets #code
- The 8 biggest mistakes to avoid when applying for a remote job #job #tech #remote
- How you can land a 6-figure job in tech with no connections #job #tech
- How you can start a career in a different field without “experience” #job #tech
- From Hello World to six job offers from Facebook, Airbnb, Salesforce… #job #tech #student
- I passed the Google technical interviews; you can too
- How to start freelancing #job #freelance
- Negotiation techniques #job #negotiation
- Tips for CV #job
- 🔥 Fearless salary negotiation #job #negotiation
- How to be successful #profdev #money
- How to get rich (without getting lucky) by Naval #profdev #money
- Asymmetric opportunities by Naval #profdev #money
- Survival tips for women in tech #profdev #tech #women
- El gran salto, junior -> senior #profdev #tech #spanish
- Twitter thread: Gumroad do what you love #profdev #freelance #twitter
- How to pick a career (that actually fits you) #profdev
- Have you ever worked with an engineer who never leveled up? #profdev #tech
- How to ruin your career in 8 easy steps #profdev #tech
- El rol de engineering manager: ayudando a crecer sin quemar #profdev
- A Review of the Neural History of NLP #nlp
- Huggingface pretrained model RoBasquERTa #nlp #euskera
- Huggingface pretrained model ixa-ehu/berteus-base-cased #nlp #euskera
- L3AI 2020 conference on Rasa chatbox, NLP research, practical NLP tips #nlp #conference
- The ultimate guide to discovering your natural talents and strength #persdev
- How to make yourself into a learning machine #persdev #learning
- How to be better at parties #persdev #social
- List of mental models and their explanations #persdev #mentalmodels
- Best textbooks on every subject #persdev #learning #book
- Presentation tips for data professionals #tools #presentation #profdev
- How to manage your fear of public speaking #tools #presentation #speaking #profdev
- Networking for founders #tools #networking #profdev
- How to use Twitter to learn data science (or anything) #tools #twitter #datascience
- The Holloway guide to using Twitter #tools #twitter
- Book: The culture map, by Erin Meyer #profdev #book #culture
- How to extend partitions in Windows #utils #windows
- If men could menstruate by Gloria Steinem #culture #feminism #women
- Inside China's vast new experiment in social ranking #culture #social #china
- While we sleep, our mind goes on an amazing journey #culture #sleep #neuroscience
- The friendship that made Google huge #culture #tech #interview
- Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey: the Rolling Stone interview #culture#tech #interview
- Twitter thread: long bike rides #culture #bike #activity #twitter
- Twitter thread: history, Jim Crow laws #history #us
- Notes on edX Neuroscience course #onlinecourse #neuroscience