A couple of securities I track using Google Sheets have moved to the NEO Exchange. Google Finance functions don't know about this small exchange so I wrote something to track prices by scraping its website, and providing some CSV data on current prices, moving averages, and sparklines.
yarn install --offline
# you backed this up right?
rm database.sqlite
yarn node scripts/migrate.js
XXX_raw.csv is from copying from Historical data from my brokerage website, pasting into a spreadsheet application (Numbers on macOS worked fine), and then exporting to CSV. Data was copied from TSX the year up to and including 2017-Feb-21, then data from 2017-Feb-22 to the current date was added.
# tidy up data
scripts/convert.pl data/CLU_raw.csv > data/CLU.csv
scripts/convert.pl data/CRQ_raw.csv > data/CRQ.csv
# import into database
scripts/import-csv.sh data/CLU.csv CLU 'iSHARES US FUNDAMENTAL INDEX ETF'
scripts/import-csv.sh data/CRQ.csv CRQ 'iSHARES CANADIAN FUNDAMENTAL INDEX ETF'
Create a file containing your AlphaVantage api key:
echo "ABC123" > alpha_vantage_key.txt
export APIKEY=$(cat alpha_vantage_key.txt)
scripts/import-from-alphavantage.sh $APIKEY "SPDR Sector XLK" XLK
# start for the first time
yarn pm2 start app.js
# make pm2 remember to run the app
yarn pm2 save
# install with systemd - follow instructions
yarn pm2 startup system
# note that upgrading node versions may have a problem
# with compiled modules; pm2 also keeps env variables around
# from its last invocation. Maybe try:
yarn pm2 restart --update-env
# make the backup dir for the database
mkdir backups
# .cron extension inside of cron.d will make cron ignore the file!
# check that the username and path to the sqlite3-backup.sh script are correct!
sudo cp cron/neo-tracker /etc/cron.d/neo-tracker
- returns as a CSV line, the following in order:- 52-week low
- 52-week high
- 50-day MA
- 200-day MA
- current price
- returns as CSV, date and closing price for the past month for the given symbol/sparkline/year/SYMBOL
- returns as CSV, date and closing price for the past year (Mondays only) for the given symbol/all
- returns as CSV, the following, for all tracked symbols:- symbol
- 52-week low
- 52-week high
- 50-day MA
- 200-day MA
- current price
- fetch prices and update the locally stored prices. Should be run every hour or so on trading days
- more server maintenance stuff:
- etckeeper
- logwatch
- authentication middleware
Run the server on port 3000, with watching of files and auto-restarting:
yarn dev-server