Welcome to the Battlefield Coordinate Finder.
This tool is designed to let you use coordinates found by the community and store your own collection.
Access the tool here: https://andy6170.github.io/BFCoordinateFinder/
You can start a new project by using one of the maps we provide or by importing your own image.
Alternatively you can load one of our collections or a locally saved file from your computer
Once you have your project opened you can click anywhere on it to store a new coordinate. Coordinates X, Y, Z are seporated by spaces. You can choose the type of coordinate to easily identify what it's for.
- Spawn(Red)
- MCOM (Yellow)
- Other (Blue)
Optionally you can also add a description to add more information such as if it's inside a building or on a rooftop.
Once you have your coordinate you can click on it to view its details.
When you click on the coordinate it will also be coppied to your clipboard. If you have the community portal plugin you can Paste it straight into the editor using the "Paste from Clipboard" option
If you want to view all the coordinates you can use the LIST feature. This will also allow you to edit the details of each coordinate
The IMPORT feature allows you to import the coordinates from a save to your project without overriding your current coordinates.
Once you are finished you can save your project locally to your computer.