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Utilities for agonlight2

The projects are built with VSCODE AgDev on windows and binaries are provided, that you can put in the /mos directory of the SD-card. Version of MOS and VDP are, console8 MOS 2.10.1 and VDP 2.3.1 or above, not tested with previous versions.

Currently the program uses the memory address 0x0B000 in the Makefile for AgDev and the program is placed in the /mos directory, in a future version of mos, you will be able to put them in the /bin directory by modifying the address 0x0B000 to 0x04000 on Makefile, you will need to recompile the program.
I have done the updates but I may have forgotten some.
If the program not work, put it to /bin directory and launch ot directly.

In some assembler routines I refer to via a path relative to where your project is located. Don't forget to change this path relative to where your source is located: include '../../lib/libc/'

Default projet are on folder CEdev/AgExamples/ (MyProject/src, MyProject/bin)

Link for AgDev and instructions for installation AgDev.
Link for VDU 25 PLOT command PLOT.
Link for VDU commands VDU.
Link for VDP System Command VDP.
Agon MOS TOOLS Agon-MOS-Tools.
Agon flash Agon FLASH.
Update firmware by Web Update.
CP/M 2.2 from nihirash CP/M 2.2.
Firmware MOS.
Firmware VDP.


allows you to scan the i2c bus of a module connected to the UEXT connector. The i2c address is displayed if an module i2c is found.

launch scani2c from bin directory.
Example command line: scani2c


I2C bus scanning

Address 0x3C


allows to send file to RS232 (UEXT) to PC host. Escape Key to cancel transfert.
Default BAUD is 115200
Put a file to /bin directory

Command line:
send <filename> on Agon (ex: send myfile.bin)
rcvfile <filename><com port><baud> on PC hosts (ex: rcvfile myfile.bin COM2)


allows to dump a file to screen.
Example command line: dumpview <filename>
show readme file from dumpview for more information


Ansi terminal.
Put a file to /bin directory
Example command line: ansiterm [parameters]

Usage: mosterm [OPTIONS]
-h this help
-b <baud> (default 115200)
-d <databits> (default is 8 (5, 6, 7, 8))
-p <parity> (default is N (N, E, O))
-r Add CRLF


allows show ascii table.
Put a file to /bin directory
Example command line: ascii


allow configure wifi or restore to default factory the esp8266. Default baud is 115200.
Show readme file from folder atconfig for more informations.


Allow to transfert binary or text file from PC to Agon Show readme file from folder comfile for more informations.


allows to pause on batch file.
Put a file to /bin directory
Example command line: pause
Result: Press any key to continue ...


Sample code that show progress bar on text mode (progress bar, spinner ...)
Put a file txtprogress.bin to /bin directory
Example command line: txtprogress


Alow to show how call shell mos from c code.
Put a file on /bin directory Command line: shell


Allow generate the CRC-32 value for the file named in the command line argument.
Put a file on /bin directory
Command line: crc32 <filename>


MD5 Code adapted for AgonLight from Zunawe (, forked by MilchRatchet (

Allow calculate MD5 from string or file.
Put a file on /bin directory

Command line:
MD5 <string> ex: MD5 Hello
MD5 <filename> ex: MD5 myfile.txt


Allow load font CP437 to Agon
Put a file on /bin directory
Parameter reset permit to reset default font for Agon

Command line: cp437 [reset]


Allow rendering 8x8 monochrome bitmap font. Adapted from Daniel Hepper render.
Put a file on /mos directory
Command line: render <char_code> (ex: render 65)
Ascii char code range it 0-127 but only 32 to 127 is rendering.


Allow to show how API FatFs on AgDev work.
It list mos directory.
Put a file on /bin directory
Command line: listdir


Allow testing keyboard key from UART1.
You have to connect UART1 to serial with USB-TTL 3.3v on PC and use terminal (teraterm or other).
or connect keyboard with for example uterm-s or other Put a file on /bin directory
Command line: keytest
Press CTRL+C for quit.


Utilities for agonlight2







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