This server takes standard video packets from any mp4 source - e.g. camera, screencap or input video - that are simply POSTed to a single REST URL like, and makes it available via livestreaming right in your browswer at a URL like
What the server does is segment the incoming video, converts it to HTTP Live Streaming format, buffers it, and sends it to a simple frontend. The advantage is this makes it easy for apps to take whatever video they have and make it live streamable on a server that anyone with node can run.
- Node 0.4.9
- HTTP Live Streaming (HLS)
- iOS demo app
- segment.c
- ffMPEG
Get node and npm installed, then
git clone
cd media-server
npm install -g coffeescript
npm install
cake dev
node lib/server.js
Do an HTTP POST request to http://localhost:3000/streams//upload/ with a piece of a MPEG4-encoded video. (For example, one thats been run through ffMPEG)
Point your Safari or Mobile Safari browser (sorry no Chrome) to http://localhost:3000/streams// and sit back and watch the show. There can be up to a 10 second delay when new content comes in due to the way HLS works.
We also have a server that does the segmenting for you, but only runs on ubuntu. You can either run the node server also on ubuntu, or run the segment service on ubuntu on a VM.
The project is node-mpegts-segmenting.
Andrew Schaaf [email protected] Derek Dahmer [email protected]