You will need to be running at least PHP8.1
Run the following commands to get setup
composer install
npm install
cp .env.example .env
php artisan key:generate
in .env to your storage folder for your application location
php artisan migrate
php artisan db:seed
There will now be a default user of [email protected]
and password is password
The application currently has one implementation for the CurrencyConverter
interface which is Currency Layer. You will need to get an API key from and set CURRENCY_LAYER_API_KEY
in your .env
file with your API key
Run the Vite dev server with the following command, which will allow for hot reload when any changes are made to the frontend code
npm run dev
Run the following to have the backend API running
php artisan serve
The following command will start the queue worker for processing background jobs
php artisan queue:work
You can now load the application in your browser at