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andrew-bibb edited this page Oct 20, 2015 · 19 revisions

Status Tab

This is main control to enable and disable Connman technologies. The checkbox in the upper right corner All Devices Off will turn off all network devices, commonly known as Airplane Mode.

The round button with the i in the lower left corner is the primary method of delivering help for the program. Ths Wiki and a man page exist, but the "What's This" help is where you should look first when you have a question about any control or area of the program. Most every widget used has "What's This" text defined for it.

Details Tab

This tab reports details about each service. Connman will automatically provision services, but if you wish to tweak any of the settings determined by Connman the Configuration button in the lower right will open up dialogs to assist with that.

Wireless Tab

Used to connect or disconnect from a WiFi service. If you connect to a protected access point additional dialogs will popup requesting information from you, typically a passphrase.

Preferences Tab

Used to configure certain aspects of the GUI. The settings in the Start Options box may also be set or unset from command line switches.

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