This repository contains the code of a demo note taking app built with three different technologies:
- Flutter (crossplatform)
- SwiftUI (iOS)
- UIKit (iOS)
The code of the demo app is meant to accompany the "Comparing Apples to Oranges. (Battle of Flutter, SwiftUI and UIKit)" presentation at the GDG Helsinki meetup organized on 27.09.2022 at Qvik Oy. The slides can be seen here.
The apps' code contains various examples of patterns related to UI composition, dependency injection and state management specific to Flutter, SwiftUI and UIKit frameworks. Its purpose is to offer a base for comparing those frameworks.
Note! The project's main purpose is merely to reveal some of the differences and similarities across frameworks. It was made in a short time and shouldn't be regarded as a production level code nor a definitive guide for best practices.
- For SwiftUI and UIKit apps a Mac computer with Xcode will be needed to run the apps.
- The Flutter app can be run on a Mac or Windows machine with Flutter SDK installed.