The bdist_nsi module extends Python's distutils module with a bdist_nsi setup command to create binary Windows installers for Python modules, based on NSIS. Thereby, bdist_nsi brings all the features of NSIS to Windows installers for Python modules, such as silent install, modern user interface, and internationalization.
Take a look at the screenshots.
Besides Python and the bdist_nsi module, you will need NSIS. It can be run under windows and linux (see NSIS forum for instructions).
The latest version can always be downloaded from
To install from source, simply run:
python install
Add bdist_nsi
option to your file.
In your projects
try: import bdist_nsi except ImportError: pass nsis_options = {} # your nsis options setup( name='your application name', version='0.0.x', author='your name', author_email='your email', url='', options={'bdist_nsi': nsis_options, }, license='your license',) # your setup options
You can create installer python bdist_nsi
If the makensis executable is not installed in one of the usual
locations (/usr/bin
, C:\Program Files\NSIS
, or
C:\Program Files (x86)\NSIS
), then you can specify the
NSIS folder with the --nsis-dir option, or just add -k to have a look
at the temporary generated files.
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