radiole app allows user to monitor playlists from Spotify and get email notification when new tracks added.
The UI has two sections showing featured and user playlists from Spotify. Any number of playlists can be selected to watch for new tracks. User will receive daily/weekly (based on preference) email update on newly added tracks.
radiole is a full stack javascript app built on Nodejs backend and React for frontend.
- Backend: NodeJS, MongoDB, Redis
- Scheduling: Agenda
- Email: Sendgrid
- UI: React+Redux, React router, normalizr, SCSS
- Build: Grunt, webpack
- Others: babel for ES6 transpiler
You must have MongoDB, Redis instance running. You also need spotify api access and app created. Check out Clone the repo then change configs in config/default.json
npm install
bower install
Build React package
Build css
grunt css
Run the Scheduler engine:
node engine/index.js
Run the web server
node app.js
Open url based on the config to load the UI
- Polish up UI, responsive
- Email templates
- Additional features to preview tracks, open spotify app etc for better UX
This project is licensed under the Apache License 2.0, Copyright (c) 2016 Amitava Saha. For more information see