fix: onboard onto ruff #37
1 error and 9 warnings
Store benchmark result
# :warning: **Performance Alert** :warning:
Possible performance regression was detected for benchmark **'Python Benchmark with pytest-benchmark'**.
Benchmark result of this commit is worse than the previous benchmark result exceeding threshold `2`.
| Benchmark suite | Current: 75913da2977758d8ed5a5b5cee3298e8ec7c4bbb | Previous: 43998be4a2073b4934080303f60dfdc08332be07 | Ratio |
| `benchmark/[ghz-probability-8-braket_dm_v2]` | `82.9252443848645` iter/sec (`stddev: 0`) | `171.4743913454787` iter/sec (`stddev: 0`) | `2.07` |
| `benchmark/[ghz-expectation z(q[0])-8-braket_dm_v2]` | `68.69471415059941` iter/sec (`stddev: 0`) | `182.28375441247144` iter/sec (`stddev: 0`) | `2.65` |
| `benchmark/[ghz-expectation z(q[0])-12-braket_sv_v2]` | `54.410039235498274` iter/sec (`stddev: 0`) | `397.670731179007` iter/sec (`stddev: 0`) | `7.31` |
| `benchmark/[ghz-expectation z(q[0])-15-braket_sv_v2]` | `102.92979788416865` iter/sec (`stddev: 0`) | `308.744947465407` iter/sec (`stddev: 0`) | `3.00` |
| `benchmark/[ghz-variance y(q[0])-7-braket_dm_v2]` | `86.66711386900056` iter/sec (`stddev: 0`) | `189.41567197238578` iter/sec (`stddev: 0`) | `2.19` |
| `benchmark/[ghz-variance y(q[0])-15-braket_sv_v2]` | `60.29849443099834` iter/sec (`stddev: 0`) | `215.84746939994687` iter/sec (`stddev: 0`) | `3.58` |
| `benchmark/[qft-variance y(q[0])-6-braket_dm_v2]` | `52.14527594617752` iter/sec (`stddev: 0`) | `340.7504251202224` iter/sec (`stddev: 0`) | `6.53` |
| `benchmark/[ghz-sample z(q[0])-100-4-braket_dm]` | `44.76064237538117` iter/sec (`stddev: 0`) | `132.9635811155126` iter/sec (`stddev: 0`) | `2.97` |
| `benchmark/[qft-variance y(q[0])-100-8-braket_sv_v2]` | `43.232225148447306` iter/sec (`stddev: 0`) | `164.43032112215008` iter/sec (`stddev: 0`) | `3.80` |
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Store benchmark result
Performance alert! Previous value was 171.4743913454787 and current value is 82.9252443848645. It is 2.0678189448516857x worse than previous exceeding a ratio threshold 2
Store benchmark result
Performance alert! Previous value was 182.28375441247144 and current value is 68.69471415059941. It is 2.653533924209231x worse than previous exceeding a ratio threshold 2
Store benchmark result
Performance alert! Previous value was 397.670731179007 and current value is 54.410039235498274. It is 7.308774938716789x worse than previous exceeding a ratio threshold 2
Store benchmark result
Performance alert! Previous value was 308.744947465407 and current value is 102.92979788416865. It is 2.999568189309485x worse than previous exceeding a ratio threshold 2
Store benchmark result
Performance alert! Previous value was 189.41567197238578 and current value is 86.66711386900056. It is 2.1855541683168562x worse than previous exceeding a ratio threshold 2
Store benchmark result
Performance alert! Previous value was 215.84746939994687 and current value is 60.29849443099834. It is 3.5796493998195698x worse than previous exceeding a ratio threshold 2
Store benchmark result
Performance alert! Previous value was 340.7504251202224 and current value is 52.14527594617752. It is 6.534636531062426x worse than previous exceeding a ratio threshold 2
Store benchmark result
Performance alert! Previous value was 132.9635811155126 and current value is 44.76064237538117. It is 2.97054675847646x worse than previous exceeding a ratio threshold 2
Store benchmark result
Performance alert! Previous value was 164.43032112215008 and current value is 43.232225148447306. It is 3.8034202624903664x worse than previous exceeding a ratio threshold 2