A passionate and enthusiastic guy who is constantly exploring the fields of Web Development and Machine Learning.
🏢 I'm a Computer Science Undergrad @AVV | Batch of 2025
👀 I’m interested in AI ,Machine Learning and Web Development.
🌍 I'm mostly active within the Python, ML and AI Community.
💬 Ask me about: Web Development , AI/ML , Technology, Fantasy Football(FPL)
📫 How to reach me: [email protected]
⚡ Fun fact: I am a fan of Sherlock-221B🕵️
Category | Technology |
✍ Languages | |
📚 Frameworks, Platforms & Libraries | |
🗄️Databases | |
🎨 Design | |
🖥️ ML/DL | |
☁️ Hosting Platform | |
💻 IDEs/Editors | |
🎛️ Operating System | |
🥅 Other |