A simple PID loop for ROS with support for multiple nodes with self isolating topics depending on node name
- kp - Proportianality Constant (Datatype: /std_msgs/Int32)
- ki - Integral Constant (Datatype: /std_msgs/Int32)
- kd - Derivative Constant (Datatype: /std_msgs/Int32)
- max - Maximum output value (Datatype: /std_msgs/Int32)
- min - Minimum output value (Datatype: /std_msgs/Int32)
Example node /link
node_name_in (Ex: /link_in)
Feedback input should be published to this topic Datatype: /std_msgs/Int32
node_name_set (Ex: /link_out)
Setpoint should be published to this node Datatype: /std_msgs/Int32
node_name_out (Ex: /link_set)
The output of the PID loop is published to this topic Datatype: /std_msgs/Int32