This is an interactive game similar to the classic card game, Concentration. This is Project 2 of Udacity's Front End Developer Nanodegree program. Please visit Udacity's Catalog of courses for further information.
Click on individual squares until a matching pair of cards is found. Continue until all cards have been matched and displayed and the game is won. Once all cards have been matched your time and star rating will display. Stars are lost based on how many moves are made, so try to remember which card is where!
Much of the HTML, CSS and the JavaScript shuffle function starter code was provided by Udacity. The basic game board design and card icons were provided by Udacity. Assistance and some JavaScript code was provided by Mike Wales via FEND EMEA Memory Game Webinar available on YouTube.
This game was built using HTML, CSS and JavaScript. The Coda font was used courtesy of Font-awesome 4.6.1.