Based on Vial 0.7.1 with select applied pending requests. Bumped version to 0.7.2 and called it NeoVial for my own usage and fun.
- Compiled using Python 3.12.8 + pyinstaller (instead of fbs).
- Export layout to SVG format.
- Tool-tip over Tap Dance and Macros.
- All thanks to the following PR's and couple of tweaks to make it work:
vial-kb#79 | vial-kb#120 | vial-kb#132 | vial-kb#214 | vial-kb#238
Please visit to get started with Vial
Vial is an open-source cross-platform (Windows, Linux and Mac) GUI and a QMK fork for configuring your keyboard in real time.
Check releases section in here for NeoVial 0.7.2 (patched Vial 0.7.1), Or visit to download a binary release of Vial.
Python 3.12 is recommended.
Install dependencies:
python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
To launch the application afterwards:
source venv/bin/activate
pyinstaller misc/Vial.spec