Collection of exercises made in Patrones de diseño en JavaScript y NodeJS course by Nicolas Schurmann and The Complete JavaScript Course by Jonas Schmedtmann.
Nicolas Schurmann's course language is Spanish but exercises are written and commented in English for a global understanding.
First course exercises will be marked with an A and the second ones will be marked with a B.
Binary files as images are managed with Git LFS.
Finally, and just to be clear, some content are not patterns actually but methodologies, techniques or good practices.
Enjoy the repo!
A | Creation patterns
- Constructor Pattern
- Constructor Pattern with Prototypes
- Module Pattern
- Prototype Pattern
A | Functional patterns
- Closures
- Point Free
- Currying
- Compositing
A | Structure patterns
- Mixin
- Decorator
- Facade
- Adapter
A | Behaviour patterns
- Observer
- Mediator
- Commander
- Responsibility Chain
- Iterator
A | Other patterns
- IIFE (Immediately Invoke Function Expression)
- Dependencies Injection
A | Good practices & Tips
- Inheritance Composing
- Immutability
B | Objects and Functions
- Function Constructors
- Prototype Chain
- Creating Objects
- Primitives vs Object
- Functions as Parameters
- Functions Returning Functions
- IIFE (Immediately Invoke Function Expression)
- Closures
- Bind, Call and Apply
B | Asynchronous JavaScript
- Callbacks (Hell)
- Promises
- Async/Await
- AJAX Calls
B | 🍴 Forkify 🍴
- Sample project using ES6, NPM, Babel and Webpack
- Utils
- 🇺🇸 English
- 🇪🇸 Español 🔧 Not available yet
Made with JavaScript and a lot of ❤️