We have made this Readme easier for you to navigate by creating this links:
- Team Introduction
- Data Structure and Algorithm Used
- Project Description
- Solution
- Correctness of the Algorithm
- Efficiency of the Algorithm
- How to Run
You can click this link to view our video presentation
- Moyosore Weke
- Testimony Adeyemi
- Petronalla
- Topister Onyango
- Eleanor Wepngong
Data structure: Recursion and 2D arrays
- We used a recursive data structure because we designed the algorithm in a way that it calls itself, Recursion is the process whereby a function calls itself. We are also storing the matrix of the board, cells and values in a 2D-array
Algorithm: Backtracking Algorithm
- Backtracking is an algorithmic technique that aims to use a brute force approach to get all the solutions to a problem. It uses the recursive call to build the solution step by step and find the solution set by increasing the level over time. Essentially, you keep trying numbers in empty spots until there aren't any that are possible, then you backtrack and try different numbers in the previous slots. This is a better optimized algorithm than the naive approach where you just try every number
- How It works in simpler logic:
- A digit in the wrong location often quickly shows that the solution is infeasable. With n entries left, if there are no entries, n = 0, left, we are finished, indicate succes;
- Otherwise, find a square that is not yet filled, and for each digit from 1 to 9.
- Place the digit in the digit in that square and see whether the the solution is feasible, and if so call backtracking algorithm recursively
- If the algorithm indicates success, we are finished, otherwise, try the next digit; and if no digit works, there is no solution.
Sudoku is a logic-based puzzle that plays with numbers from 1 to 9. The puzzle first appeared in a newspaper in France in November 1892. Most of the essays that study Sudoku solvers show different types of Sudoku solvers algorithm. Thanks to its simple rules, it's fascinating and very easy to learn. There are many now Classic Sudoku including various kinds of Sudoku puzzles, 9X9 grid with given clues, Mini Sudoku consisting of 4X4 or 6X6 size grids in different locations etc. In our project, we focused is mainly on the classic Sudoku that is, the 9X9 grid.
To play Sudoku, the player only needs to be familiar with the numbers from 1 to 9 and be able to think logically. The goal of this game is clear: to fill and complete the grid using the numbers from 1 to 9. The challenging part lays on the restrictions imposed on the player to be able to fill the grid
The restrictions are as follows:
- Each row must contain the numbers from 1 to 9, without repetitions
- Each column must contain the numbers from 1 to 9, without repetitions
- The digits can only occur once per block (nonet)
- The sum of every single row, column and nonet must equal 45
- Each puzzle has a unique solution
Each Sudoku puzzle begins with some cells filled in. These numbers are chosen such that there is a unique solution to the Sudoku.The Sudoklver(sudoku solver) aims to help players of sudoku's solve this puzzel in a much shorter time that they would have spent. Also most people who play the sudoku games which are at the back of the newspaper often have to wait for the results to come in the next day so therefore the solver will be there for them to easily to check their solutions early to know if there are right or wrong.
The objective of our Sudoku puzzle project is that the user fills in every row/column slot with values between 1-9. As a result of the objective fulfillment the Sudoku puzzle game increases the critical thinking capability of the user, enhances human brain health, improves logical thinking, helps develop problem solving skills and uses of clues which describes how difficult the game is. For instance, 17-clue puzzles are more difficult than 30-clue puzzles. In such a way that the user simply tries filling each blank square with the numbers from 1 to 9 until a valid solution is found.
Our app is user-friendly to everyone who wants to play Sudoku puzzles and it is not restricted to anyone.
Kids: Sudoku is a puzzle with simple, easy to understand rules that any kid can try. The need to engage in logical thinking to fill the grid correctly plus the process of trial and error they must apply will naturally and unconsciously help to develop their problem-solving skills.
Furthermore, the challenge of solving what to a kid will seem like an easy and boring game also helps them to engage more intensely to finish it quickly and improves their concentration skills.
These benefits of Sudoku can also help them in other areas and even improve their school performance.
Adults|Youths : The first time you play an easy Sudoku level, you might find yourself noting down all the candidates for one single cell in order to keep track of your progress. The more challenges you face, the quicker you will drop these notes as your brain will retain the information naturally.
In harder levels, notes will become essential once again, but your memory skills will still be stimulated in different ways. You will become able to remember more complicated strategies and how to apply them without referring to a tutorial. Patterns from previous games will also be memorized and you will find yourself looking for the opportunity to apply them once again.This would help improve the memory of adults
The user has to make a list of all the empty slots.
Then select a slot and place a number between 1 and 9, in it and validate the subgrids, that is, the horizontal row, vertical column and the 3 by 3 grid associated with that slot.
If any of the constraints fail, that is:
Cell constraint: each cell can only be filled with one number.
Row constraint: a number may only occur once in each row.
Column constraint: a number may only occur once in each column.
Box constraint: a number may occur only once in each box.
Leave that solution by backtracking to the previous state and repeat the second step with the next number. Otherwise, check if the goal is achieved.
If a solution is found, stop searching and it reports success. Otherwise repeat step 2 to 4 recursively.
In our project Sudoklver(Sudoku Solver0, we are using the Backtracking Algorithm to develop a working solution. Here we are going to check the correctness of that Algorithm, we are going to take a closer look at the recursion and the backtracking algorithm which is implemented by the solveSudoku()
def solveSudoku(sudoku, row, col):
global count
count += 1
if count > 1000:
return False
if row== N - 1 and col == N:
return True
if col == N:
row += 1
col = 0
if sudoku[row][col] > 0:
return solveSudoku(sudoku, row, col + 1)
for num in range(1, N + 1):
if isValid(sudoku, row, col, num):
sudoku[row][col] = num
if solveSudoku(sudoku, row, col + 1):
return True
sudoku[row][col] = 0
return False
From the code above, we can see that the function is correct since each time the process is called the following happens:
First, we test out the base condition
if row== N - 1 and col == N:
to ensure that we are not at the end of the board, if we are at the end of the board then we returnTrue
because we can only get to the end of the board when the algorithm solves sudoku and we have found all values. -
Next, we also check if we are in the last column
if col == N:
, and this moves to the next row to test out values, the way the algorithm is designed is we test out each value in a column and we move by column when we can assign a value(Going to come back to this) -
After that, we actually check if a value is assigned at the position we want to put it in, for instance of in our puzzle a value is in a position, we check for that and if a value is assigned them if it isn’t empty(if it is greater than 0) then we move to the next column, by recursively calling solve sudoku.
And if our if statement is wrong(
if sudoku[row][col] > 0
), then we start testing for each number from 1 to 10 which is thatfor loop
there. So as we can see the for loop is correct because we first test if it is safe to assign a number, by calling the isvalid function and putting in the number we are testing, if it is safe we assign the number to that position and we move to the next column, -
If it is not safe to assign a value in a position then we backtrack
sudoku[row][col] = 0
to the previous position the previous value we assigned and try other numbers this helps to save time
In this section, we will be analysing the efficiency of the algorithm we used while implementing our project: The Backtracking Algorithm and the choice of Data Structure which is Recursion.
The time complexity applied in this algorithm is O (n ^ m)
where the range of possibilities for each grid (that is, 9 in the algorithm) is n, whereas the number of blank spaces is m. Designing a grid size of NN where N is 9, a perfect square, the recurrence equation is denoted as:
T(M) = 9T(M-1) + O (1) { for N, when M = N*N and T(N) is the running time of the solution}
Solving the recurrence by the backtracking algorithm from a single blank slot yields O(9^M).
The logic behind this is that If there is only a single unoccupied slot, the program has n number of options to consider, and it must, in the worst-case scenario, exhaust them all. If there are two empty spots, the program must consider n different options for the first spot and n different options for the second spot for each of the first spot options. If there are three places, it has to consider n different options for the first one.
Each of these options finally result in a puzzle with two vacant locations and n*n
possible solutions. Additionally, our algorithm executes a depth- first search through all possible solutions of the puzzle by checking for each number from one to nine for the number of squares that need to be filled. It initially checks whether or not it is okay to assign a number to a square and in the case that the number assigned is right, further possibilities are checked with the next column.
However, before actually assigning a number, we confirm that the same number is not present in the current row, column or 3 by 3 square. in the case that the assignment made was not right, backtracking is performed to check for the next value for a current empty cell and if none of the no.s between 1-9 lead to a solution, the program returns false. The depth of the graph in this case is the no. of squares that need to be filled and with a depth of m and corresponding branch factor of n, determining a solution has a worst case of O (n ^ m).
The Data Structure that we used in our algorithm in recursion (Recursive Backtracking). Ideally, the recursion stack, which is NN levels deep, and in which case we used a 99 int array to store all elements of the sudoku, is utilized as an auxiliary space. In the case of our 9*9 sudoku puzzle, all the 81 cells must have assigned valid values, but only one cell is filled at each level. As a result, the space complexity is O(M).
Our Sudoku application is user-friendly as it is integrated with a Graphical User Interface that makes it efficient to use. Therefore, we have designed the application to run in two ways:
If you wish to play the sudoku without having python download:
- Go to the code section on this repo
click the folder namedexe
- Click the file named
. - You would see a
option, click on it and the application would start downloading - You can then open the application from wherever it is stored after downloading
- There might be some antivirus blocking ignore this as the file is safe 😉
If you wish to run the program and test it locally, on your machine to see the files details and other things there are a few things that need to be done to get it up and running. If the instructions are not followed to the latter, it will not run
Our project makes use of the python programming language. Therefore, the first thing you need to do is to have installed the latest version of python in your machine; Learn more about the latest version of python here
Otherwise, you can download and install either the pycharm IDE as it automatically comes with a python package or install VS Code and install the python extension with it. Learn more about Pycharm and VS Code
Run the installer and follow the on-screen instructions to install Python.
Check the box to add Python to environment variables during the installation process. Python will be added to the environment variables, and you will be able to run it from it wherever on the machine.
After that, you will need to run python in immediate mode by typing python keyword in the command line to invoke the interpreter in immediate mode.
After this, you’ll need to configure a python interpreter. Learn more about interpreters
If you are using Pycharm, follow the following instructions:
Choose Git | Clone from the menu bar in the top right. When you've set up a Git repository for your project, the Git menu appears. This menu is VCS until then.
Choose GitHub on the left side of the Get from Version Control box.
Provide the URL of the repository you intend to clone. From the list of all GitHub projects associated with your account and the organization to which your account belongs, you can choose a repository.
Enter the path to the folder where your local Git repository will be created in the Directory field.
Select Clone. In the confirmation popup, select Yes to create a project based on these sources. PyCharm will set the Git root mapping to the project root directory automatically.
If you followed all the steps above, this should bring you back to processing with the application code
From here, all you need to do is hit run and the game pops up.
Otherwise, If you are using VS Code, follow the following instructions:
- Launch the command palette by entering the key sequence Ctrl + Shift + P
- Enter gitcl at the command palette prompt, then select Git: Clone and press Enter.
- Select clone from GitHub when prompted for the Repository URL, then hit Enter
- If you're prompted to sign in to GitHub, go ahead and do so
- Launch azure-samples/js-e2e-express-server in the Repository URL field
- Select (or create) the local directory where the project will be cloned.
- Select Open when the notification appears asking if you wish to open the cloned repository.
- From here, all you need to do is hit run and the game pops up.
- All you need to do is to fill in the values from a sudoku puzzle online and click solve.
- The program automatically fills in the puzzle with the correct values in each grid.
- When you are done, you can click clear to delete all the values and enter a new puzzle to solve.
JetBrains, 2022. Pycharm Installation Guides and Manage Projects Hosted on Github. Available at: https://www.jetbrains.com/help/pycharm/installation-guide.html[Accessed 14 April 2022; Last modified: 12 April 2022]
JetBrains, 2022. Clone a Github Repo for Changes on VS Code. Available at: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/developer/javascript/how-to/with-visual-studio-code/clone-github-repository?tabs=create-repo-command-palette%2Cinitialize-repo-activity-bar%2Ccreate-branch-command-palette%2Ccommit-changes-command-palette%2Cpush-command-palette [Accessed 14 April 2022; Last modified: 12 August 2021]