Dera's Car Wash Management System is a simple app with a TKinter GUI. It allows users to add cars to the queue, remove, check finances (of each car washed), and exit the app with the data saved. This app is beneficial to everyday small businesses that have a need for tracking orders and updating processes. The solution is designed not only to be user friendly but can be implemented across other services asides a car wash system (restaurants for example), with changing a few lines of code.
Shows available options:
running on Mac OS in dark mode
User can add cars to queue by entering plate number, customer name and amount paid.
adding an item to queue
User can go through the items on the queue via the GUI. Shows an error if user tries to manage empty queue.
adding an item to queue
queue error accessing empty queue
The view finances allows user select a previously saved session and brings a chart of their finance. If the chosen file doesn't follow the .csv format it shows an error.
bar chart for finances using matplotlib
bar chart for finances using matplotlib
The app also provides an option to remove the next item in the queue and move the next to it's place.
Install the customtkinter with pip:
pip3 install customtkinter
Update existing installation: pip3 install customtkinter --upgrade
(update as often as possible because this library is under active development)