This programme is Queue management System software that systematically records the customers in first come bases and assigns them priority of services in order of who came first . With this software in business places , customers do not have to physically wait in long lines and wait idly to get services but rather they have free time while they wait and they can look around the business premises busting customer loyalty and sales . This project has a user friendly environment thatshows the tellers available and the approximate time on the waiting line.
This software saves the number of customers in the business premises that a teller serves hence improving the efficiency. A Teller will be keen on saving time and serving as many customers as possible efficiently . This functionality solves our problem and customers services is efficient and time is saved!
We used Django tool to create a user friendly GUI for our program. The program has also intergrated JavaScript to make it a responsive site. It is Deployed on Heroku App and it can be access us this link To run this program local on your computer you must have python intepreter if you don't have it you should download and install it from here: and Running environment. then go ahead install the following extentions on the following order
python -m venv venv
cd venv
cd ..
pip install -r requirements.txt
python makemigrations
python migrate
python runserver
python createsuperuser
Then go to http://localhost:8000/admin
py test