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Refactor the linking invocation from gbuild/buildOrReplLib
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This is the third part of the refactor of gbuild and buildOrReplLib (haskell#9389).
It re-works the linker invocation, focusing on preserving existing
behaviour before simplifying any further.

Follows the spirit of the two previous commits, with the end goal of (haskell#9389)
  • Loading branch information
alt-romes committed Jan 11, 2024
1 parent 46726a4 commit c756bb4
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Showing 9 changed files with 837 additions and 1,185 deletions.
2 changes: 0 additions & 2 deletions Cabal/Cabal.cabal
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -336,8 +336,6 @@ library
Expand Down
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions Cabal/src/Distribution/Simple/Build/Monad.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -87,11 +87,13 @@ buildLBI :: BuildM LocalBuildInfo
buildLBI = asks localBuildInfo
{-# INLINE buildLBI #-}

-- | Get the @'Compiler'@ being used to build the component.
buildCompiler :: BuildM Compiler
buildCompiler = compiler <$> buildLBI
{-# INLINE buildCompiler #-}

-- | Get the @'TargetInfo'@ of the current component being built.
buildTarget :: BuildM TargetInfo
buildTarget = asks targetInfo
{-# INLINE buildTarget #-}

27 changes: 15 additions & 12 deletions Cabal/src/Distribution/Simple/GHC.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -93,6 +93,8 @@ import Distribution.Simple.BuildPaths
import Distribution.Simple.Compiler
import Distribution.Simple.Errors
import Distribution.Simple.Flag (Flag (..), toFlag)
import qualified Distribution.Simple.GHC.Build as GHC
import Distribution.Simple.Build.Monad (runBuildM)
import Distribution.Simple.GHC.Build.Utils
import Distribution.Simple.GHC.EnvironmentParser
import Distribution.Simple.GHC.ImplInfo
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -131,13 +133,10 @@ import System.FilePath
import qualified System.Info
#ifndef mingw32_HOST_OS
import Distribution.Simple.GHC.Build.Utils (flibBuildName)
import System.Directory (renameFile)
import System.Posix (createSymbolicLink)
#endif /* mingw32_HOST_OS */

import Distribution.Simple.GHC.BuildGeneric (GBuildMode (..), gbuild)
import Distribution.Simple.GHC.BuildOrRepl (buildOrReplLib)
import Distribution.Simple.Setup (BuildingWhat (..))
import Distribution.Simple.Setup.Build

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -567,7 +566,8 @@ buildLib
-> Library
-> ComponentLocalBuildInfo
-> IO ()
buildLib = buildOrReplLib . BuildNormal
buildLib flags numJobs pkg lbi lib clbi
= runBuildM (BuildNormal flags) lbi (TargetInfo clbi (CLib lib)) ( numJobs pkg)

:: ReplFlags
Expand All @@ -577,7 +577,8 @@ replLib
-> Library
-> ComponentLocalBuildInfo
-> IO ()
replLib = buildOrReplLib . BuildRepl
replLib flags numJobs pkg lbi lib clbi
= runBuildM (BuildRepl flags) lbi (TargetInfo clbi (CLib lib)) ( numJobs pkg)

-- | Start a REPL without loading any source files.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -609,7 +610,8 @@ buildFLib
-> ForeignLib
-> ComponentLocalBuildInfo
-> IO ()
buildFLib v njobs pkg lbi = gbuild (BuildNormal mempty{buildVerbosity = toFlag v}) njobs pkg lbi . GBuildFLib
buildFLib v njobs pkg lbi flib clbi
= runBuildM (BuildNormal mempty{buildVerbosity = toFlag v}) lbi (TargetInfo clbi (CFLib flib)) ( njobs pkg)

:: ReplFlags
Expand All @@ -619,8 +621,8 @@ replFLib
-> ForeignLib
-> ComponentLocalBuildInfo
-> IO ()
replFLib replFlags njobs pkg lbi =
gbuild (BuildRepl replFlags) njobs pkg lbi . GReplFLib replFlags
replFLib replFlags njobs pkg lbi flib clbi
= runBuildM (BuildRepl replFlags) lbi (TargetInfo clbi (CFLib flib)) ( njobs pkg)

-- | Build an executable with GHC.
Expand All @@ -631,7 +633,8 @@ buildExe
-> Executable
-> ComponentLocalBuildInfo
-> IO ()
buildExe v njobs pkg lbi = gbuild (BuildNormal mempty{buildVerbosity = toFlag v}) njobs pkg lbi . GBuildExe
buildExe v njobs pkg lbi exe clbi
= runBuildM (BuildNormal mempty{buildVerbosity = toFlag v}) lbi (TargetInfo clbi (CExe exe)) ( njobs pkg)

:: ReplFlags
Expand All @@ -641,8 +644,8 @@ replExe
-> Executable
-> ComponentLocalBuildInfo
-> IO ()
replExe replFlags njobs pkg lbi =
gbuild (BuildRepl replFlags) njobs pkg lbi . GReplExe replFlags
replExe replFlags njobs pkg lbi exe clbi
= runBuildM (BuildRepl replFlags) lbi (TargetInfo clbi (CExe exe)) ( njobs pkg)

-- | Extracts a String representing a hash of the ABI of a built
-- library. It can fail if the library has not yet been built.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -724,7 +727,7 @@ installExe
exe = do
createDirectoryIfMissingVerbose verbosity True binDir
let exeName' = unUnqualComponentName $ exeName exe
exeFileName = exeTargetName (hostPlatform lbi) exe
exeFileName = exeTargetName (hostPlatform lbi) (exeName exe)
fixedExeBaseName = progprefix ++ exeName' ++ progsuffix
installBinary dest = do
Expand Down
199 changes: 80 additions & 119 deletions Cabal/src/Distribution/Simple/GHC/Build.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -6,38 +6,49 @@ import Prelude ()

import Data.Function
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as BS
import Distribution.Compat.Binary (encode)
import Distribution.Compat.ResponseFile (escapeArgs)
import qualified Distribution.InstalledPackageInfo as IPI
import Distribution.Package
import Distribution.PackageDescription as PD hiding (buildInfo)
import qualified Distribution.PackageDescription as PD
import Distribution.PackageDescription.Utils (cabalBug)
import Distribution.Pretty
import Distribution.Simple.BuildPaths
import Distribution.Simple.Compiler
import Distribution.Simple.Flag (Flag (..), fromFlag, fromFlagOrDefault)
import Distribution.Simple.GHC.ImplInfo
import qualified Distribution.Simple.GHC.Internal as Internal
import Distribution.Simple.Flag (Flag)
import Distribution.Simple.LocalBuildInfo
import Distribution.Simple.Program
import Distribution.Simple.Program.GHC
import Distribution.Simple.Setup.Repl
import Distribution.Simple.Utils
import Distribution.System
import Distribution.Utils.NubList
import Distribution.Utils.Path (getSymbolicPath)
import Distribution.Verbosity
import Distribution.Version
import System.Directory hiding (exeExtension)
import System.FilePath
import Distribution.Simple.Build.Monad
import Distribution.Simple.GHC.Build.ExtraSources
import Distribution.Simple.GHC.Build.Modules
import Distribution.Simple.GHC.Build.Link
import Distribution.Types.ParStrat
import qualified Distribution.Simple.Hpc as Hpc
import Distribution.Simple.Setup.Common (extraCompilationArtifacts)
import qualified Data.Set as Set

Note [Build Target Dir vs Target Dir]
Where to place the build result (targetDir) and the build artifacts (buildTargetDir).
* For libraries, targetDir == buildTargetDir, where both the library and
artifacts are put together.
* For executables or foreign libs, buildTargetDir == targetDir/<name-of-target-dir>-tmp, where
the targetDir is the location where the target (e.g. the executable) is written to
and buildTargetDir is where the compilation artifacts (e.g. Main.o) will live
Arguably, this difference should not exist (#9498) (TODO)
For instance, for a component `cabal-benchmarks`:
targetDir == <buildDir>/cabal-benchmarks
buildTargetDir == <buildDir>/cabal-benchmarks/cabal-benchmarks-tmp
Or, for a library `Cabal`:
targetDir == <buildDir>/.
buildTargetDir == targetDir
Furthermore, we need to account for the limit of characters in ghc
invocations that different OSes constrain us to. Cabal invocations can
rapidly reach this limit, in part, due to the long length of cabal v2
prefixes. To minimize the likelihood, we use
`makeRelativeToCurrentDirectory` to shorten the paths used in invocations
(see da6321bb).

-- | The main build phase of building a component.
-- Includes building Haskell modules, extra build sources, and linking.
Expand All @@ -46,42 +57,14 @@ build :: Flag ParStrat
-> BuildM ()
build numJobs pkg_descr = do
verbosity <- buildVerbosity
what <- buildWhat
component <- buildComponent
lbi <- buildLBI
clbi <- buildCLBI
buildInfo <- buildBI
target <- buildTarget

let isLib | CLib{} <- component = True
| otherwise = False

Where to place the build result (targetDir) and the build artifacts (buildTargetDir).
* For libraries, targetDir == buildTargetDir, where both the library and
artifacts are put together.
* For executables or foreign libs, buildTargetDir == targetDir/<name-of-target-dir>-tmp, where
the targetDir is the location where the target (e.g. the executable) is written to
and buildTargetDir is where the compilation artifacts (e.g. Main.o) will live
Arguably, this difference should not exist (#9498) (TODO)
For instance, for a component `cabal-benchmarks`:
targetDir == <buildDir>/cabal-benchmarks
buildTargetDir == <buildDir>/cabal-benchmarks/cabal-benchmarks-tmp
Or, for a library `Cabal`:
targetDir == <buildDir>/.
buildTargetDir == targetDir
Furthermore, we need to account for the limit of characters in ghc
invocations that different OSes constrain us to. Cabal invocations can
rapidly reach this limit, in part, due to the long length of cabal v2
prefixes. To minimize the likelihood, we use
`makeRelativeToCurrentDirectory` to shorten the paths used in invocations
(see da6321bb).
-- See Note [Build Target Dir vs Target Dir]
let targetDir_absolute = componentBuildDir lbi clbi
-- Libraries use the target dir for building (see above)
Expand All @@ -101,71 +84,49 @@ build numJobs pkg_descr = do

(ghcProg, _) <- requireProgram verbosity ghcProgram (withPrograms lbi) & liftIO

-- ensure extra lib dirs exist before passing to ghc
cleanedExtraLibDirs <- filterM doesDirectoryExist (extraLibDirs buildInfo) & liftIO
cleanedExtraLibDirsStatic <- filterM doesDirectoryExist (extraLibDirsStatic buildInfo) & liftIO

buildHaskellModules numJobs ghcProg pkg_descr buildTargetDir
buildAllExtraSources ghcProg

-- Now pattern match and call repl or link action for each kind of component
-- ROMES:TODO: Still a work in progress!
pure ()
-- case what of
-- BuildRepl rflags -> do
-- -- TODO when (null (allLibModules lib clbi)) $ warn verbosity "No exposed modules"
-- runReplOrWriteFlags ghcProg lbi rflags replOpts target (pkgName (PD.package pkg_descr)) & liftIO

-- _build -> linkComponent

-- * Utils, basically.

replNoLoad :: Ord a => ReplOptions -> NubListR a -> NubListR a
replNoLoad replFlags l
| replOptionsNoLoad replFlags == Flag True = mempty
| otherwise = l

:: ConfiguredProgram
-> LocalBuildInfo
-> ReplFlags
-> GhcOptions
-> TargetInfo
-> PackageName
-> IO ()
runReplOrWriteFlags ghcProg lbi rflags ghcOpts target pkg_name =
let bi = componentBuildInfo $ targetComponent target
clbi = targetCLBI target
comp = compiler lbi
platform = hostPlatform lbi
case replOptionsFlagOutput (replReplOptions rflags) of
NoFlag -> runGHC (fromFlag $ replVerbosity rflags) ghcProg comp platform ghcOpts
Flag out_dir -> do
src_dir <- getCurrentDirectory
let uid = componentUnitId clbi
this_unit = prettyShow uid
reexported_modules = [mn | LibComponentLocalBuildInfo{} <- [clbi], IPI.ExposedModule mn (Just{}) <- componentExposedModules clbi]
hidden_modules = otherModules bi
extra_opts =
concat $
[ ["-this-package-name", prettyShow pkg_name]
, ["-working-dir", src_dir]
++ [ ["-reexported-module", prettyShow m] | m <- reexported_modules
++ [ ["-hidden-module", prettyShow m] | m <- hidden_modules
-- Create "paths" subdirectory if it doesn't exist. This is where we write
-- information about how the PATH was augmented.
createDirectoryIfMissing False (out_dir </> "paths")
-- Write out the PATH information into `paths` subdirectory.
writeFileAtomic (out_dir </> "paths" </> this_unit) (encode ghcProg)
-- Write out options for this component into a file ready for loading into
-- the multi-repl
writeFileAtomic (out_dir </> this_unit) $
BS.pack $
escapeArgs $
extra_opts ++ renderGhcOptions comp platform (ghcOpts{ghcOptMode = NoFlag})
-- wantVanilla is underspecified, maybe we could deprecated it? (TODO)
wantVanilla = if isLib then withVanillaLib lbi else False
wantStatic = if isLib then withStaticLib lbi else withFullyStaticExe lbi
wantDynamic = if isLib then withSharedLib lbi else withDynExe lbi
wantProf = if isLib then withProfLib lbi else withProfExe lbi

-- See also Note [Building Haskell Modules accounting for TH] in Distribution.Simple.GHC.Build.Modules
= Set.fromList
$ [StaticWay | wantStatic]
<> [DynWay | wantDynamic ]
<> [ProfWay | wantProf ]
-- If no way is explicitly wanted, we take vanilla
<> [VanillaWay | wantVanilla || not (wantStatic || wantDynamic || wantProf) ]
-- ROMES:TODO: Is vanilla necessarily the same as defaultGhcWay? If so,
-- we can deal away with VanillaWay and be explicit in -dynamic vs
-- -static, or always default to -static. Would simplify further.
-- ROMES:TODO: Perhaps, if the component is indefinite, we only pick Vanilla?
-- To mimick the old behaviour we need at least profiled too (Vanilla +
-- Prof), and there's even a test for profiled signature, whatever that
-- means. So only doing vanilla way for indefinite components before seems wrong.
-- Consider...
-- ROMES:TODO: Perhaps for executables we want to limit the "wanted"
-- ways to just one?

-- ROMES:TODO: From #3294, this may now be possible, after the refactor?
-- In the case that there are no C source files that depend on FFI exports, I
-- think there is one more way that this can be fixed: we should revert to
-- pre-#842 and do compilation and linking in one go. This will obviously make
-- the GHC code more complicated, but I suspect it will pay its way: we'll
-- also get faster compilation for new versions of GHC since we don't have to
-- call GHC twice. Duncan previously claimed that the performance hit from
-- calling GHC a second time should not be large, but actually there is a
-- substantial performance hit when module graphs are large, as GHC recomputes
-- the module graph on every computation (one of the reasons why Shake is so
-- much faster.)

-- We need a separate build and link phase, and C sources must be compiled
-- after Haskell modules, because C sources may depend on stub headers
-- generated from compiling Haskell modules (#842).
(vanillaOpts, wantedWaysMap)
<- buildHaskellModules numJobs ghcProg pkg_descr buildTargetDir wantedWays
extraSources <- buildAllExtraSources ghcProg
linkOrLoadComponent ghcProg pkg_descr extraSources (buildTargetDir, targetDir) vanillaOpts wantedWaysMap


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