Simple, flexible lib to convert a directory tree into a json.
npm install dirtree2json --save
var dirtree2json = require('dirtree2json');
var result = dirtree2json.dirTojson(path [,options]);
Option | Type | Default | Description |
attributeName.absolutePath | string | "absolutePath" | overwrites the name of the 'absolute path' attribute |
attributeName.child | string | "child" | overwrites the name of the 'children' attribute |
attributeName.creationTime | string | "creationTime" | overwrites the name of the 'creation time' attribute |
attributeName.dirFlag | string | "isDir" | overwrites the name of the 'is directory flag' attribute |
attributeName.extension | string | "ext" | overwrites the name of the 'extension' attribute |
attributeName.fileName | string | "name" | overwrites the name of the 'file name' attribute |
attributeName.modificationTime | string | "modificationTime" | overwrites the name of the 'modification time' attribute |
attributeName.path | string | "path" | overwrites the name of the 'path' attribute |
attributeName.size | string | "size" | overwrites the name of the 'size' attribute |
excludeEmptyFolders | boolean | false | exclude all folders without a file. This is also excludes folders with just empty folders |
filter.fileExtension | regex or string | null | filter files by file extension name |
filter.fileName | regex or string | null | filter files by name |
filter.folderName | regex or string | null | filter folders by name |
includeAbsolutePath | boolean | false | include the absolute path of the folder/file |
includeCreationTime | boolean | false | include the creation time of the folder/file |
includeDirFlag | boolean | true | include is directory flag |
includeExtension | boolean | true | include the extension of the file |
includeModificationTime | boolean | false | include the modification time of the folder/file |
includeSize | boolean | false | include the size of the folder/file |
rootName | string | name of the relative path | overwrites the name of the root folder |
rootPath | string | relative path of the folder | overwrites the path attribute of the the root |
All examples use this folder structure
├── dir1
│ ├── css1.css
│ ├── file1.txt
│ ├── file2.txt
│ ├── index.html
│ └── js1.js
├── dir2
│ ├── file1.txt
│ └── file2.txt
├── dir3
└── file1.txt
var dirtree2json = require('dirtree2json');
var path = __dirname + '/test/testDir';
var options = {
includeSize: true,
includeDirFlag: false,
includeExtension: true
var result = dirtree2json.dirTojson(path, options);
"ext": "",
"path": "testDir",
"name": "testDir",
"child": [
"ext": "",
"path": "testDir/dir1",
"name": "dir1",
"child": [
"ext": "css",
"path": "testDir/dir1/css1.css",
"name": "css1.css",
"size": 0
"ext": "txt",
"path": "testDir/dir1/file1.txt",
"name": "file1.txt",
"size": 10
"ext": "txt",
"path": "testDir/dir1/file2.txt",
"name": "file2.txt",
"size": 11
"ext": "html",
"path": "testDir/dir1/index.html",
"name": "index.html",
"size": 0
"ext": "js",
"path": "testDir/dir1/js1.js",
"name": "js1.js",
"size": 0
"size": 21
"ext": "",
"path": "testDir/dir2",
"name": "dir2",
"child": [
"ext": "txt",
"path": "testDir/dir2/file1.txt",
"name": "file1.txt",
"size": 10
"ext": "txt",
"path": "testDir/dir2/file2.txt",
"name": "file2.txt",
"size": 11
"size": 21
"ext": "",
"path": "testDir/dir3",
"name": "dir3",
"child": [],
"size": 0
"ext": "txt",
"path": "testDir/file1.txt",
"name": "file1.txt",
"size": 13
"size": 55
var dirtree2json = require('dirtree2json');
var path = __dirname + '/test/testDir';
var options = {
rootPath: ".",
rootName: "root"
var result = dirtree2json.dirTojson(path, options);
"ext": "",
"isDir": true,
"path": ".",
"name": "root",
"child": [
"ext": "",
"path": "./dir1",
"name": "dir1",
"isDir": true,
"child": [...]
var dirtree2json = require('dirtree2json');
var path = __dirname + '/test/testDir';
var options = {
filter: {
fileExtension: /html/i
excludeEmptyFolders: true
var result = dirtree2json.dirTojson(path, options);
"ext": "",
"isDir": true,
"path": "testDir",
"name": "testDir",
"child": [
"ext": "",
"path": "testDir/dir1",
"name": "dir1",
"isDir": true,
"child": [
"ext": "html",
"path": "testDir/dir1/index.html",
"name": "index.html",
"isDir": false
var dirtree2json = require('dirtree2json');
var path = __dirname + '/test/testDir';
var options = {
attributeName: {
path: "relativePath",
fileName: "folderFileName",
extension: "extension",
dirFlag: "isFolder",
child: "children"
var result = dirtree2json.dirTojson(path, options);
"extension": "",
"isFolder": true,
"relativePath": "testDir",
"folderFileName": "testDir",
"children": [
"extension": "",
"relativePath": "testDir/dir1",
"folderFileName": "dir1",
"isFolder": true,
"children": [
"extension": "css",
"relativePath": "testDir/dir1/css1.css",
"folderFileName": "css1.css",
"isFolder": false
npm install -g dirtree2json
dirtree2json [options]
-h, --help Print this usage guide
-p, --prettify Enable json pretty print
-j, --json file Json file with dirtree2json configuration. The configuration json is the same of the API