This repository contains the open source PHP SDK that allows you to access the Sameday Courier Platform from your PHP app. It was inspired by Facebook PHP-SDK.
The Sameday PHP SDK can be installed with Composer. Run this command:
$ composer require sameday-courier/php-sdk
Note: This version of the Sameday SDK for PHP requires PHP 5.4 or greater.
Simple example to get available pickup points and services for a client, request a new AWB and download the PDF for it.
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php'; // Change path as needed.
// Initialization. Change user and password as needed for your account. For testing purposes (also implies different user/password) set a third parameter to ''.
$samedayClient = new \Sameday\SamedayClient('user', 'password');
$sameday = new \Sameday\Sameday($samedayClient);
// Get list of available pickup points for client.
$pickupPoints = $sameday->getPickupPoints(new \Sameday\Requests\SamedayGetPickupPointsRequest());
// Use first found pickup point id. These ids are different for DEMO and PROD environments. This id can be cached on your application.
$pickupPointId = $pickupPoints->getPickupPoints()[0]->getId();
// Get list of available services for client.
$services = $sameday->getServices(new \Sameday\Requests\SamedayGetServicesRequest());
// Use first service id. These ids are different for DEMO and PROD environments. This id can be cached on your application.
// This is just for example purpose. Choose the right service for your app.
// For instance if requesting with 2H service (delivery in 2 hours) and cities are different (pickup point city and recipient city) then the validation will fail.
$serviceId = $services->getServices()[0]->getId();
try {
$awb = $sameday->postAwb(new \Sameday\Requests\SamedayPostAwbRequest(
null, // Contact person id can be left to NULL and default will be used.
new \Sameday\Objects\Types\PackageType(\Sameday\Objects\Types\PackageType::PARCEL),
// This will generate an AWB expedition with 2 parcels (packages). Only the $weight is mandatory.
new \Sameday\Objects\ParcelDimensionsObject(0.5),
new \Sameday\Objects\ParcelDimensionsObject(3, 15, 28, 67)
new \Sameday\Objects\Types\AwbPaymentType(\Sameday\Objects\Types\AwbPaymentType::CLIENT), // Who pays for the AWB. CLIENT is the only allowed value.
new \Sameday\Objects\PostAwb\Request\AwbRecipientEntityObject('Huedin', 'Cluj', 'str. Otesani', 'Nume Destinatar', '0700111111', '[email protected]', new \Sameday\Objects\PostAwb\Request\CompanyEntityObject('nume companie SRL')), // AWB recipient. Please note that CompanyEntityObject is optional if the recipient is not company.
0, // Insured value.
100 // Cash on delivery value. Can be 0 if the payment was made online.
// Other parameters may follow, see
} catch (\Sameday\Exceptions\SamedayBadRequestException $e) {
// When request fails validation. Show the list of validation errors.
} // Other exceptions may be thrown, see
$pdf = $sameday->getAwbPdf(new \Sameday\Requests\SamedayGetAwbPdfRequest($awb->getAwbNumber(), new \Sameday\Objects\Types\AwbPdfType(\Sameday\Objects\Types\AwbPdfType::A6)));
echo $pdf->getPdf();
Complete documentation, installation instructions, and examples are available here.
- Composer is a prerequisite for running the tests. Install composer globally, then run
composer install
to install required files. - The tests can be executed by running this command from the root directory:
$ ./vendor/bin/phpunit
Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.
Please see the license file for more information.