Facial Expression Recognition with RetinaFace as face detector and Region of Interest (RoI) based ResNet as Emotion Detector
- Facial-Landmark-Detection
- RoI-ResNet
- Inception-ResNet-FER2013
- ResNet50-CIFAR10-FER2013
- AffectNet-Trainer
- Angry
- Disgust
- Fear
- Happy
- Sad
- Surprise
- Neutral
You need to place checkpoints in checkpoints
- RetinaFace model weights: [Download]
- Dlib landmark detector model weights [Download]
- RoI ResNet56 trained on FER2013 model weights [Download]
Change directory to code folder
cd code
Install dependencies
conda env create -f environment.yml
conda activate retinaface-roi
Image and results will be saved in results folder
python run.py --img_path="../photos/test1.jpg"
python run.py --webcam=True
Detected faces using RetinaFace
RoI Mask
Output (from left to right)
- Happy
- Happy
- Neutral
- Surprise
- Surprise
python run.py --webcam=True