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🐚 Coquille

Coquille is React component that renders a terminal on the browser with some built-in features.

Algolia web CLI is built on top of Coquille! See more here.

✨ Features

  • Command parsing (with usage of double quotes " and single quotes ' for values)
  • Suggestions for commands, sub commands, arguments, flag names, flag values (single or comma separated)
  • Terminal shortcuts
    • CTRL+L: clear terminal
    • CTRL+U: erase current line
    • CTRL+A: place cursor to the beginning of the line
  • Automatic errors based on commands structure (wrong flag or argument) is run
  • Click on previous command to copy to clipboard

πŸ’» Installation

To add the library to your project, run

  pnpm/yarn add @algolia/coquille


  npm install @algolia/coquille

😌 Quickstart

import Coquille, { Commands } from '@algolia/coquille';

const commands: Commands = {
  ls: {
    shortDesc: 'List mocked files and folders',
    args: { nbArgs: 0 },
    run: () => (
        {['readme.txt', 'index.js', 'coquille.ts'].map((fileName) => (
          <li key={fileName}>{fileName}</li>

const MyTerminal = () => (
    promptPrefix={<span className="my-prefix-class">{'$ >'}</span>}

To define a command with typed flags:

import { Command, FlagValues, RunCommand } from './types';

interface Flags extends FlagValues {
  l: boolean;

const run: RunCommand<Flags> = async ({ flags }) => {
  if (flags && flags.l) {
    // ...

  return <ul>...</ul>;

const ls: Command<Flags> = {
  shortDesc: 'ls – list directory contents',
  args: { nbArgs: 0 },
  flags: {
    l: {
      type: 'boolean',
        'List files in the long format, as described in the The Long Format subsection below',

export default ls as Command;

πŸ“– Documentation


Props interface

interface CoquilleProps {
  commands: Commands; // commands object defined below
  promptPrefix?: ReactNode; // customizable prompt prefix
  runOnStart?: RunCommand; // command to run on component mount
  onCommandRun?: (rawCommand: string, parsedCommand?: ParsedCommand) => void; // callback run when a command is run (even if the command fails)

Commands definition

The shell uses a commands object props to parse, define and run commands in the Terminal:

 * Structure of the commands object that defines
 * commands of the terminal
type Commands = {
  [name: string]: Command;

 * Structure of the data that represent a command
type Command<F extends FlagValues = FlagValues> = {
  shortDesc?: string; // Description of the command
  help?: HelpFunction;
  run?: RunCommand<F>;
  args?: {
    nbArgs: number; // Number of arguments needed for the command
    suggestions?: Suggestion[]; // Autocomplete suggestions with short description
  flags?: Flags;
  _?: Commands; // Recursive type to represent sub commands

 * Structure of cli autocomplete suggestions.
 * Takes a name and an optional alias and description
type Suggestion = {
  name: string;
  alias?: string;
  description?: string;

type FlagType = string | number | boolean;
type FlagValues = {
  [name: string]: FlagType | FlagType[];

type Flags = {
  [flagName: string]: Flag;

type Flag = {
  shortDesc: string; // Description of the flag
  type: 'string' | 'number' | 'boolean'; // Type of the flag value
  multiple?: boolean; // If multiple values are allowed for the flag
  shorthand?: string; // Shorthand letter of the flag
  suggestions?: Suggestion[]; // Autocomplete suggestions with short description

 * Structure of the data that represent the command entered by the user
type ParsedCommand<F extends FlagValues = FlagValues> = {
  command: string[];
  args?: string[];
  flags?: F;

/** Function that runs a command
 * @returns a ReactNode that will be displayed as the output of the command
type RunCommand<F extends FlagValues = FlagValues> = (
  command: ParsedCommand<F>,
  shell: {
    input: RefObject<HTMLInputElement>; // ref of the input
    inputValue: string; // input value of the current command
    setInputValue: (value: string) => void; // set input value
    history: string[]; // history of previous commands
) => Promise<ReactNode> | ReactNode;

/** Function to display help about a command
 * @returns a ReactNode that provides help
export type HelpFunction = (args: {
  shortDesc?: string;
  subcommands?: Commands;
  flags?: Flags;
}) => ReactNode;



  • runCommandInTerminal: run the specified command in the terminal programmatically. Useful to create button that runs a command (in a help command output for example).
RunCommandInTerminal = (args: {
  command: string;
  input: React.RefObject<HTMLInputElement>;
  setInputValue: (value: string) => void;
}) => void;
  • dispatchKeyboardEventInTerminal: dispatch the specified keyboard event in the terminal programmatically. Useful to simulate user action (in an interactive demo for example).
DispatchKeyboardEventInTerminal = (args: {
  event: { type: string; eventInitDict?: KeyboardEventInit };
  input: React.RefObject<HTMLInputElement>;
}) => void;


  • <Help />: renders the help standard output of a command.


  // Given by the help callback function of the command
  // Customized usage, examples and learnMore
  usage="algolia <command> <subcommand> [flags]"
    `$ algolia search MY_INDEX --query "foo"`,
    `$ algolia profile list`,
    `$ algolia indices list`,
        {`Use 'algolia <command> <subcommand> --help' for more information about a command.`}
        Read the documentation at{" "}
        <Link href="">


πŸ›Ÿ Support

Found a bug? Open a new issue and help us to improve the code!


A React component that renders a terminal on the browser



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