Hi! Tarim is free open source flask admin page. but it is more than admin page. currently, it is completed only admin page. so I call it as admin page temporary.
- admin
- login
- attaching admin role
- admin permission management
- actions - CRUD
- permissions - CRUD, attaching actions
- role - CRUD, attaching permission
- content builder
- content type - CRUD
- fields - CRUD, attaching to the type
- Content - CRUD
- the fields listed by current content type. for example, tagging, media, category...
- Category - CRUD
- Tag Management
- Media - CRUD
the repository include all tarim source code, docker files and sql file.
Tarim is dockerized. so you should have installed Docker on your local machine.
clone the repository, and run:
docker-compose up --build
it will create all tarim needed.
after successfully build, to access the system, open the link the url: http://localhost:5000/dashboard/login
login information:
email: [email protected]
password: tarim
to access the database, open the link the url: http://localhost:8000
database information is written on the docker file.
first of all, create a database.
the database is provided at folder: tarim/docker/db/sql/
and use python environment.
reference this official tutorial: https://flask.palletsprojects.com/en/1.1.x/installation/