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Implement ITrees manually
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Kiiyya committed Dec 4, 2024
1 parent ad48d8e commit e70dd2f
Showing 1 changed file with 210 additions and 37 deletions.
247 changes: 210 additions & 37 deletions ITree/Basic.lean
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@@ -1,4 +1,7 @@
import Qpf
import Mathlib.Data.QPF.Multivariate.Constructions.Sigma

namespace ITree

# Interaction Trees
Expand All @@ -10,48 +13,218 @@ semantics of side-effecting, possibly non-terminating, programs

## Hacks / Workarounds
We'd like to define interaction trees as follows:
codata ITree (ε : Type → Type) ρ where
| ret (r : ρ)
| tau (t : ITree ε ρ)
| vis {α : Type} (e : ε α) (k : α → ITree ε ρ)
Unfortunately, `vis` in that definition is a dependent arrow in disguise,
and dependent arrows are currently not supported by the framework yet.
What is supported, though, are sigma types, as in the following, equivalent,
codata ITree (ε : Type → Type) ρ where
| ret (r : ρ)
| tau (t : ITree ε ρ)
| vis (e : Σ α : Type, ε α × α → ITree ε ρ)
Unfortunately, this, too yields an error, so for now we settle for fixing a
particular input type `α`, by making `α` a parameter of the type.
## Step 1: Defining Shape

codata ITree α ε ρ where
| ret (r : ρ)
| tau (t : ITree α ε ρ)
| vis : ε → α → ITree α ε ρ → ITree α ε ρ
/-- Intuitively: `ρ` is `ITree E A`, and `ν` is `(Ans : Type) × (E Ans) × (Ans → ITree E A)`. -/
inductive Shape (E : Type -> Type) (A : Type 1) (ρ : Type 1) (ν : Type 1) : Type 1
| ret (r : A) : Shape E A ρ ν
| tau (t : ρ) : Shape E A ρ ν
| vis (e : ν) : Shape E A ρ ν

abbrev Shape.Uncurried (E : Type -> Type) : TypeFun 3 := TypeFun.ofCurried (Shape E)

namespace ITree
instance : MvFunctor (Shape.Uncurried E) where
map f
| .ret a => .ret (f 2 a)
| .tau t => .tau (f 1 t)
| .vis e => .vis (f 0 e)

## Step 2: Functors for constructors

qpf G_ret (E : Type -> Type) A ρ := A
qpf G_tau (E : Type -> Type) A ρ := ρ
-- This unfortunately doesn't work, hence the workaround below:
-- qpf G_vis (E : Type -> Type) A ρ := (Ans : Type) × E Ans × (Ans → ρ)

section SigmaWorkaround
/-- `qpf G (Ans : Type) (E : Type → Type) A ρ ν := E Ans × (Ans → ρ)`,
but `TypeFun.{1,1}` instead of `TypeFun.{0,0}`. -/
abbrev G.Uncurried (Ans : Type 0) (E : Type 0Type 0) : TypeFun.{1, 1} 2 :=
MvQPF.Comp (n := 2) (m := 2) -- compose two 2-ary (A, ρ) functors `E Ans` and `Ans -> ρ`
(TypeFun.ofCurried Prod.{1, 1}) -- ✓ MvQPF
MvQPF.Const 2 (ULift (E Ans)), -- ✓ inst₁
MvQPF.Comp (n := 1) (m := 2) -- ✓ inst₂
(TypeFun.ofCurried (MvQPF.Arrow (ULift.{1} Ans)))
![MvQPF.Prj (n := 2) 0]

instance inst₁ {Ans : Type} {E : Type -> Type} : MvQPF.{1, 1} (MvQPF.Const 2 (ULift (E Ans))) := inferInstance

instance : MvQPF.{1,1} (MvQPF.Prj (n := 2) 0) := inferInstance
instance : MvQPF.{1,1} (![MvQPF.Prj (n := 2) 0] 0) := MvQPF.Prj.mvqpf 0
instance : ∀i, MvQPF.{1,1} (![MvQPF.Prj (n := 2) 0] i) := fun | 0 => inferInstance
instance inst₂ {Ans : Type} : MvQPF.{1, 1} (MvQPF.Comp (n := 1) (m := 2)
(TypeFun.ofCurried (MvQPF.Arrow (ULift.{1} Ans)))
![MvQPF.Prj (n := 2) 0]
) := inferInstance

abbrev G_vis.Uncurried (E : TypeType) : TypeFun.{1,1} 2 :=
MvQPF.Sigma.{1} fun (Ans : Type) => (G.Uncurried Ans E)

abbrev G_vis (E : TypeType) (A : Type) (ρ : Type 1) : Type 1 := G_vis.Uncurried E ![ULift A, ρ]

#synth MvQPF (TypeFun.ofCurried (n := 2) @Prod.{1}) -- :)

instance inst₃ {Ans} {E : Type -> Type} : ∀i, MvQPF.{1, 1} (
MvQPF.Const 2 (ULift (E Ans)), -- ✓ inst₁
MvQPF.Comp (n := 1) (m := 2) -- ✓ inst₂
(TypeFun.ofCurried (MvQPF.Arrow (ULift.{1} Ans)))
![MvQPF.Prj (n := 2) 0]
] i
) := fun
| 0 => inst₁
| 1 => inst₂

instance {Ans} {E : Type -> Type} : MvQPF.{1, 1} (G.Uncurried Ans E) := inferInstance

#synth MvQPF.{1, 1} (G.Uncurried ?Ans ?E) -- :)
#synth MvQPF.{1, 1} (G_vis.Uncurried ?E) -- :)
end SigmaWorkaround

abbrev ConstructorFs (E : Type -> Type) : Fin2 3 -> TypeVec 2 -> Type 1 :=
![G_ret.Uncurried E, G_tau.Uncurried E, G_vis.Uncurried E]

/- For some reason tc synthesis can't figure these out by itself
`#synth MvQPF (G_vis.Uncurried ?E)` -- works
`#synth MvQPF (ConstructorFs ?E 0)` -- fails :(
instance [inst : MvQPF (G_vis.Uncurried E)] : MvQPF (ConstructorFs E 0) := inst
instance [inst : MvQPF (G_tau.Uncurried E)] : MvQPF (ConstructorFs E 1) := inst
instance [inst : MvQPF (G_ret.Uncurried E)] : MvQPF (ConstructorFs E 2) := inst
instance {E : Type -> Type} : (i : Fin2 3) -> MvQPF (ConstructorFs E i) :=
| 0 => inferInstance
| 1 => inferInstance
| 2 => inferInstance

/- ## Step 3: Base
This step takes `Shape E : (A : Type) -> (ρ : Type 1) -> (ν : Type 1) -> Type 1`,
and makes the `ν` disappear by expressing it in terms of `ρ`, thus obtaining
`Base E : (A : Type) -> (ρ : Type 1) -> Type 1`.

abbrev Base.Uncurried (E : Type -> Type) : TypeFun 2 :=
(TypeFun.ofCurried (n := 3) (Shape E))
![G_ret.Uncurried E, G_tau.Uncurried E, G_vis.Uncurried E]

abbrev Base (E : Type -> Type) (A : Type) (ρ : Type 1) : Type 1 := Base.Uncurried E ![ULift A, ρ]

instance {E : Type -> Type} : MvFunctor (Base.Uncurried E) where
map f x := f x

## Step 4: Showing that `Base` is a QPF
We do this by showing that `Shape` is isomorphic to a polynomial functor defined
via `HeadT` and `ChildT`. Then we obtain the `MvQPF` instance for `Shape` using `ofPolynomial`.
Once we know that `Shape` is a MvQPF, we automatically know that `Base` is a MvQPF, because
`Base` is expressed using only MvQPFs and combinators (`Comp`, `Prj`, `Sigma`, `Arrow`, `Const`)
which preserve MvQPF.

inductive HeadT : Type 1
| ret
| tau
| vis

abbrev ChildT : HeadT -> TypeVec.{1} 3
| .ret => ![PFin2 1, PFin2 0, PFin2 0] -- One `A`, zero `ρ`, zero `ν`
| .tau => ![PFin2 0, PFin2 1, PFin2 0] -- Zero `A`, one `ρ`, zero `ν` (remember, `ρ` intuitively means `ITree E A`)
| .vis => ![PFin2 0, PFin2 0, PFin2 1] -- Zero `A`, zero ρ, one ν (where ν is our `(Ans : Type) × ...`)

abbrev P : MvPFunctor.{1} 3 := ⟨HeadT, ChildT⟩
abbrev F (E : Type -> Type) : TypeVec.{1} 3 -> Type 1 := Shape.Uncurried E

def box (E : Type -> Type) : F E α → P.Obj α
| .ret (a : α 2) => HeadT.ret fun -- `a : A`
| 2 => fun (_ : PFin2 1) => a
| 1 => PFin2.elim0
| 0 => PFin2.elim0
| .tau (t : α 1) => HeadT.tau fun -- `t : ρ`
| 2 => PFin2.elim0
| 1 => fun (_ : PFin2 1) => t
| 0 => PFin2.elim0
| .vis (e : α 0) => HeadT.vis fun -- `e : ν`
| 2 => PFin2.elim0
| 1 => PFin2.elim0
| 0 => fun (_ : PFin2 1) => e

def unbox (E : Type -> Type) : P.Obj α → F E α
| ⟨.ret, child⟩ => Shape.ret (child 2 .fz)
| ⟨.tau, child⟩ => Shape.tau (child 1 .fz)
| ⟨.vis, child⟩ => Shape.vis (child 0 .fz)

theorem box_unbox_id (x : P.Obj α) : box E (unbox E x) = x := by
rcases x with ⟨head, child⟩
cases head <;> (
rw [unbox, box]
(funext i; fin_cases i) <;> (simp only [Nat.reduceAdd, Function.Embedding.coeFn_mk]; funext j; fin_cases j)

theorem unbox_box_id (x : F E α) : unbox E (box E x) = x := by cases x <;> rfl

instance Shape.instMvQPF : MvQPF (F E) := MvQPF.ofPolynomial P (box E) (unbox E) box_unbox_id unbox_box_id (by
intro α β f x
cases x <;> (simp only [Nat.reduceAdd]; rfl)

instance Base.instMvQPF : MvQPF (Base.Uncurried E) := inferInstance

## Step 5: Finally `Cofix`, constructors, corecursor
This step takes `Base E : (A : Type) -> (ρ : Type 1) -> Type 1`, and makes the `ρ` disappear
by taking the cofixpoint, thus obtaining `ITree E : (A : Type) -> Type 1`.
We need to show that Base is a MvQPF in order to take the fixpoint, which we've shown in step 4.
And now we can:
- Define our constructors `ret`, `tau`, and `vis`
- Define our (co-)eliminator, `cases`, etc.

abbrev Uncurried (E : Type -> Type) := MvQPF.Cofix (Base.Uncurried E)
abbrev _root_.ITree (E : Type -> Type) (A : Type) : Type 1 := Uncurried E ![ULift A]

abbrev ret {E : Type -> Type} {A : Type} (a : A) : ITree E A := (Shape.ret (.up a))
abbrev tau {E : Type -> Type} {A : Type} (t : ITree E A) : ITree E A := (Shape.tau t)
abbrev vis {E : Type -> Type} {A : Type} {Ans : Type} (e : E Ans) (k : Ans -> ITree E A) : ITree E A := (Shape.vis ⟨Ans, .up e, fun ans => k ans.down⟩)

/-- the corecursion principle on itrees is the low-level way of defining a
cotree, as being generated by some transition function `f`
from initial state `b` -/
def corec {β α ε ρ : Type} (f : β → ITree.Base α ε ρ β) (b : β) : ITree α ε ρ :=
MvQPF.Cofix.corec (F := TypeFun.ofCurried ITree.Base) f b
def corec {E : Type -> Type} {A : Type} {β : Type 1} (f : β → Base E A β) (b : β) : ITree E A
:= MvQPF.Cofix.corec (n := 1) (F := Base.Uncurried E) f b

/-- `ITree.spin` is an infinite sequence of tau-nodes. -/
def spin : ITree α ε ρ :=
corec (fun () => .tau ()) ()
def dest {E : Type -> Type} {A : Type} : ITree E A -> Base E A (ITree E A)
:= MvQPF.Cofix.dest

end ITree
@[cases_eliminator, elab_as_elim]
def cases {E : Type -> Type} {A : Type} {motive : ITree E A -> Sort u}
(ret : (r : A) → motive (ITree.ret r))
(tau : (x : ITree E A) → motive (ITree.tau x))
(vis : {Ans : Type} -> (e : E Ans) → (k : Ans → ITree E A) → motive (ITree.vis e k))
(x : ITree E A)
: motive x :=
match h : MvQPF.Cofix.dest x with
| .ret (.up r) =>
have h : x = ITree.ret r := by
apply_fun at h
simpa [MvQPF.Cofix.mk_dest] using h
h ▸ ret r
| .tau y =>
have h : x = ITree.tau y := by
apply_fun at h
simpa [MvQPF.Cofix.mk_dest] using h
h ▸ tau y
| .vis ⟨Ans, .up e, k⟩ =>
have h : x = ITree.vis e (fun ans => k (.up ans)) := by
apply_fun at h
simpa [MvQPF.Cofix.mk_dest] using h
h ▸ vis e (fun ans => k (.up ans))

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