An example implementation of a character controller, using move_and_collide. Created with Godot 4.1.
This repository is not meant to be a drag-and-drop character controller for Godot. The main purpose is to demonstrate how a character controller can be created using move_and_collide, because there's so little about that on the internet. That being said, check out the limitations below; and feel free to do whatever you need to do to include it in your game. If you find it helpful, please let me know!
See my Manifesto! It contains further explanation for what and why this exists!
- IMPORTANT Godot Jolt is absolutely mandatory for any physics queries not using box shapes (this uses a cylinder shape):
- Jumping isn't implemeted; in my experience introducing jumping immediately forces you to make opinionated decisions that I don't want to address in this repo
- I will accept PRs to help make this a more complete demo, but I won't discuss getting this to work in your project unless you very obviously know what you're talking about, sorry!
If you see jittering and sticking behaviour check the advanced options on the character controller (see the tooltips!). Adjusting the cylinder radius can help to.
(escape key will free mouse)