Arcane tech tools.
ATtiny-dante – project page
An adapter to load Arduino code onto the ATtiny85 chip, using an Uno as the programmer, based on a circuit by Arjun Ganesan. The board art is a public-domain illustration, "Geryon", from Dante's Inferno.
Ouija ESP8266-01 programmer (ESProg) – project page
An adapter to load Arduino code onto the ESP-01 module (ESP8266), using an FTDI cable, based on a circuit shared by Alasdair Allan in Make Magazine. The board art is partially traced from a public-domain illustration of nasturtiums, by Maurice Pillard Verneuil. It can be used as an earring, keychain fob, pendant, etc.
A PCB ruler designed to be produced using OSH Park's After Dark and Flex stack-ups. Featuring two public-domain images from Quarles' Emblems.