Welcome to the MapleJuice Project!
Please see the report.pdf for background information.
The hadoop folder contains map-reduce that we benchmarked MapleJuice against.
# 0. Ensure you have python 3.6.8 or higher
python3 --version
# 1. Clone
git clone https://github.com/your-username/MapleJuice.git
cd MapleJuice
# 2. Setup
pip install .
# 3. Activate MapleJuice
# Simple Distributed File System (SDFS) Command Cheatsheet
# Create and update files (base_dir is a relative directory the script was invoked in)
sdfs put -local_filename bible.txt -sdfs_filename foo.txt -base_dir ../large.txt
# List all files the Name Node knows about (defaults to fa23-cs425-7810.cs.illinois.edu)
sdfs ls
# List files stored on a data node (choices=[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10])
sdfs store -dn 1
# Retrieve a file from the SDFS
sdfs get -sdfs_filename illiad.txt -local_filename result.txt
# Delete the file from the SDFS
sdfs delete -sdfs_filename foo.txt
# Membership Failure Detection Command Cheatsheet
# Activates a CLI menu program to send admin commands to the underlying membership detection service
A cheatsheet of anticipated commands for demo to the teaching assistants.
# 0. Load data
sdfs put-dir -dir demo
# 1. Percent Composition
maple -maple_exe maple1.py -num_maples 10 -sdfs_intermediate_filename_prefix fiber-int1 -sdfs_src_directory demo -partition_type r -maple_cmd_args '-interconne Fiber'
juice -juice_exe juice1.py -num_juices 10 -sdfs_intermediate_filename_prefix fiber-int1 -sdfs_dest_filename fiber-out1 -partition_type r --delete_input
maple -maple_exe maple2.py -num_maples 10 -sdfs_intermediate_filename_prefix fiber-int2 -sdfs_src_directory fiber-out1 -partition_type r
juice -juice_exe juice2.py -num_juices 10 -sdfs_intermediate_filename_prefix fiber-int2 -sdfs_dest_filename fiber-out2 -partition_type r --delete_input
maple -maple_exe maple1.py -num_maples 10 -sdfs_intermediate_filename_prefix fiber_radio-int1 -sdfs_src_directory demo -partition_type r -maple_cmd_args '-interconne Fiber/Radio'
juice -juice_exe juice1.py -num_juices 10 -sdfs_intermediate_filename_prefix fiber_radio-int1 -sdfs_dest_filename fiber_radio-out1 -partition_type r --delete_input
maple -maple_exe maple2.py -num_maples 10 -sdfs_intermediate_filename_prefix fiber_radio-int2 -sdfs_src_directory fiber_radio-out1 -partition_type r
juice -juice_exe juice2.py -num_juices 10 -sdfs_intermediate_filename_prefix fiber_radio-int2 -sdfs_dest_filename fiber_radio-out2 -partition_type r --delete_input
maple -maple_exe maple1.py -num_maples 10 -sdfs_intermediate_filename_prefix radio-int1 -sdfs_src_directory demo -partition_type r -maple_cmd_args '-interconne Radio'
juice -juice_exe juice1.py -num_juices 10 -sdfs_intermediate_filename_prefix radio-int1 -sdfs_dest_filename radio-out1 -partition_type r --delete_input
maple -maple_exe maple2.py -num_maples 10 -sdfs_intermediate_filename_prefix radio-int2 -sdfs_src_directory radio-out1 -partition_type r
juice -juice_exe juice2.py -num_juices 10 -sdfs_intermediate_filename_prefix radio-int2 -sdfs_dest_filename radio-out2 -partition_type r --delete_input
maple -maple_exe maple1.py -num_maples 10 -sdfs_intermediate_filename_prefix None-int1 -sdfs_src_directory demo -partition_type r -maple_cmd_args '-interconne None'
juice -juice_exe juice1.py -num_juices 10 -sdfs_intermediate_filename_prefix None-int1 -sdfs_dest_filename None-out1 -partition_type r --delete_input
maple -maple_exe maple2.py -num_maples 10 -sdfs_intermediate_filename_prefix None-int2 -sdfs_src_directory None-out1 -partition_type r
juice -juice_exe juice2.py -num_juices 10 -sdfs_intermediate_filename_prefix None-int2 -sdfs_dest_filename None-out2 -partition_type r --delete_input
maple -maple_exe maple1.py -num_maples 10 -sdfs_intermediate_filename_prefix BLANK-int1 -sdfs_src_directory demo -partition_type r -maple_cmd_args '-interconne (BLANK)'
juice -juice_exe juice1.py -num_juices 10 -sdfs_intermediate_filename_prefix BLANK-int1 -sdfs_dest_filename BLANK-out1 -partition_type r --delete_input
maple -maple_exe maple2.py -num_maples 10 -sdfs_intermediate_filename_prefix BLANK-int2 -sdfs_src_directory BLANK-out1 -partition_type r
juice -juice_exe juice2.py -num_juices 10 -sdfs_intermediate_filename_prefix BLANK-int2 -sdfs_dest_filename BLANK-out2 -partition_type r --delete_input
maple -maple_exe maple1.py -num_maples 10 -sdfs_intermediate_filename_prefix SPACE-int1 -sdfs_src_directory demo -partition_type r -maple_cmd_args '-interconne " "'
juice -juice_exe juice1.py -num_juices 10 -sdfs_intermediate_filename_prefix SPACE-int1 -sdfs_dest_filename SPACE-out1 -partition_type r --delete_input
maple -maple_exe maple2.py -num_maples 10 -sdfs_intermediate_filename_prefix SPACE-int2 -sdfs_src_directory SPACE-out1 -partition_type r
juice -juice_exe juice2.py -num_juices 10 -sdfs_intermediate_filename_prefix SPACE-int2 -sdfs_dest_filename SPACE-out2 -partition_type r --delete_input
# Get results
sdfs get -sdfs_filename fiber-out2 -local_filename fiber-out2-result.txt
sdfs get -sdfs_filename fiber_radio-out2 -local_filename fiber_radio-out2.txt
sdfs get -sdfs_filename radio-out2 -local_filename radio-out2-result.txt
sdfs get -sdfs_filename None-out2 -local_filename None-out2-result.txt
sdfs get -sdfs_filename BLANK-out2 -local_filename BLANK-out2-result.txt
# 2. SQL Filter (Keyword Search)
sql sql/filter.sqlx -sdfs_dest_filename filter-result.txt -partition_type r
sdfs get -sdfs_filename champaign.txt -local_filename filter-result.txt